Is former Mayor Horace Feliu poised to make a comeback? Just asking! But some insiders tell me that his recent election?) as president of the South Miami Rotary is merely the beginning of his comeback to politics. So, folks, to help him along his way, I gleefully publish his photograph of him moments before receiving the presidential gavel of the South Miami Rotary.
Lots of locals that night enjoyed camaraderie, great food, dancing and, from what I’ve heard, pretty potent beverages that might have been prepared by John Sorgie, a Rotary president from a long, long time ago. John is now the most senior member of the South Miami Rotary, having gotten the club going some 34 years ago. (Golly, how many Tuesday lunches are consumed in 34 years?)
South Miami Rotary meets every Tuesday for lunch at Carrabbas on SW 73rd Street, and should you want information about the good work the club does, feel free to call (hold your britches!) President Horace Feliu at 305-299- 7968. Other SM Rotary officers for 2011- 2012 include Karen Vassell, President-Elect; Doreen Reitnauer; Past President; Joan Harris, Secretary; David Jacobs, Treasurer; Ellen Book, Sergeant at Arms.
Ran into Bill Archer, owner of Big Cheese, the other day. It turns out Bill is becoming quite the digital/electronic geek since getting an I-Pad. Sez he ‘just loves that thing’ and from what I ‘m told, he’s getting pretty adept at working the new-fangled gadget. Hey, Bill, we main-line phone users are proud of you for taking that gigantic leap of faith into technology, a whole new world not just for a ‘younger generation.’
Ran into Felix Lasarte at Casa Lario’s with his buddies having breakfast last Saturday, and (I’m sure) discussing lots of important stuff. I’ve only seen Felix dolled up in snappy suits, carrying a briefcase (stuffed with zoning papers, natch). So here he was, in jeans and wearing a baseball cap, barely recognizable at first glance before it dawned on me that it was, indeed, Felix, our natty Zoning Attorney, ‘disguised’ in casual garb!
Felix who has represented clients wanting to build in Horse Country finally brought animal lovers and Horse Country residents a wonderful project that got the nod from area homeowners. You guessed it: a riding (horse) academy. So, many thanks to him and those he represents. Should you spy Felix, remind him he’s always welcome to bring ‘Green’ projects to this corner of Kendall while taking the rest of them somewhere else.
Happened to visit the Emergency Room at South Miami Hospital on a recent Friday night and sunuva-gun! Who waltzes in around 9:30 p.m.? Yup, the Hospital CEO Lincoln Mendez, and pretty much the top dog of Baptist Health, Sir Wayne Brackin. Turns out they were visiting a patient and I gotta tell ya, these two guys knew how to put a smile on the face of the patient they were visiting. Please note that hospital staff was also duly impressed that both were still on duty — so to speak — late on a Friday night.
Speaking of Mr. B., he and his lovely wife, Shaida, were seen dining at Town Kitchen and Bar, Saturday evening with a mystery couple. My confidential source sitting very very close to them swore me to secrecy about the conversation, but disclosed they stayed about an hour and half, sipping beverages and consuming several different desserts. What put a smile on my face is hearing that Wayne actually paidfor the evening. Golly, hope that didn’t sting (Ouch!) too much.
Election Day in the City of Pleasant Living coming up in February and folks are already jockeying for position. The slots opening up: Mayor for a two-year term, presently occupied by Phil Stoddard, and two Commission seats, both four-year terms, presently filled by Brian Beasley and Velma Palmer.
First the mayor’s seat: No public word yet from Mayor Phil Stoddard to seek another two years at the helm. I’m reliably told Vice Mayor Valerie Newman wants the job and wants it bad. Story is she’s just trying to figure out if she has what it takes to knock off Mayor Phil Stoddard. I honestly think she can, but we’ll just have to wait to see if she also has the fortitude needed to overcome Stoddard’s popularity. By the way, should Newman run for mayor, a third Commission seat opens up for would-be city pols.
For sure, the seat occupied by Brian “The Brain” Beasley is up for grabs. Brian who has survived quite handily since getting winning office nearly four years ago is already out spreading the word about his wonderfulness.
Velma Palmer, going on eight years in her seat, may be fed up with City Hall shenanigans and call it quits. If so, there’s a whole bunch of “bonafide wackos” (as former Mayor Horace Feliu called ‘em) who would love it if Palmer called it a day. But don’t write her off quite yet. The Commissioner does has quite a following and lots of them are telling her she should continue serving the citizens of South Miami.
So if you’re considering a run for an open City Commission seat, it’s time to get started and convince your constituents!
Thought for the Day:
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
— Albert Einstein
Got any tips? Contact me at 305-669-7355 x.247, or send e-mails to michael@communitynewspapers.com.