The hot proposal of pay-raises for commissioners was quickly pushed to the back burner soon after a pricey package of wage increases and benefits was put forth by City Manager Steven Alexander at the Aug. 16 City Commission Meeting. The proposal certainly did not sit well with several old-time naysayers. One of them told us, “At a time when common folks are struggling to get by, such extreme generosity using the taxpayer is just wrong.” It appears in this case, fast-and furious public pressure prevailed.
The other silver fox suggested the move was unnecessary and unseemly at best. “It seems that our ‘brave and fearless’ commissioners were so cowardly at the meeting that they passed the hot potato to Mr. Alexander, as opposed to having the (children, please turn the page) cojones to request the raises from their real bosses – the city’s taxpayers.” Their objections were heard, and heeded. Raises are officially off the table.
Never a dull moment in the “city of pleasant living.” At the same meeting, a real-life whodunit unfolded before our very eyes! Activist Denise Covington just marched on up at the Aug. 16 commission meeting and said pretty much the following: “One of you sitting up there gave me a packet and a CD about a police officer…” and now she was compelled to share it with the city manager and the state attorney. And as if that wasn’t enough, we heard something about “sealed and expunged records.” My oh my. Should be interesting to see what comes out of this. Yes, indeed. Never a dull moment in the “city of pleasant living,” as a real life whodunit unfolded before our very eyes! Activist Denise Covington just marched on up at the Aug. 16 commission meeting and said pretty much the following: “One of you sitting up there gave me a packet and a CD about a police officer…” and now she was compelled to share it with the city manager and the state attorney. And as if that wasn’t enough, we heard something about “sealed and expunged records.” My oh my. Should be interesting to see what comes out of this.
You can view the video yourself by visiting the city website at and looking for City Meeting Videos under the header “Your Government.” Open the video of the Aug. 16 city commission meeting advance to 30 minutes and 30 seconds spot (00:30:30) where this segment is there for your viewing pleasure.
It was not perfectly clear to whom Denise was referring, as she pointed at the entire dais while stating, “one of you up there…” Besides the full commission that was “up there,” so too were the city attorney, the city clerk, and the city manager. So, for all the inquiring minds that want to know, just as soon as I get my hands on those “records,” we’ll let you know what, if anything, of importance might be there.
By the way, the vice mayor of our fine town, Bob Welsh, is looking pretty sharp these days. OMG did I say that!? Well anyhow, he was wearing a nice jacket and a pretty chic white T-shirt. Not sure what else he was wearing, but nevertheless, ol’ Bob is doing way way better – at least for now.
Going going gone… The four story building at 5901 SW 74 St. and the adjacent parking lot, which is over 34,000-sq.-ft. has been sold for some $9.8 million. The properties are zoned: Home Town Plan, which would allow a mixed-use development to be built on this prime piece of property which is located in the heart of South Miami. Saad Hamdan, a Broker Associate with the Coconut Grove office of Avatar Real Estate Services, represented the buyer and seller in this transaction.
Thought of the Day: If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine – it is lethal. — Paulo Coelho
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