Members of the Junior Orange Bowl Committee (JOBC) met at Coral Gables/South Miami Elks Club in January to wrap up the 2009-10 year and announced officers for the coming year to climax a successful festival season that showcased young and talented athletes (able or disabled) as well as aspiring photographers, competitive chess players and creative writers. Among those enjoying the social hour and session were OBC Board Member, Larry Gautier; Laura Morgan Horton, representing JOBC Orange Bowl liaison; and several past JOBC presidents, including Marti Bueso, Chuck Little, Corinne Steinbauer, and J.R. Steinbauer.
For the final JOBC festival event, Executive Director Mark Pidal and Dr. Randy Groh, Photography Chair, invite the public to the JOBC’s Photography Awards Ceremony February 11 at 7 p.m. at Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center Theater. Winners to be awarded prizes and guests can enjoy viewing work of aspiring young photographers. For details, tel. 305-662-1210.
At a recent meeting of the Silver Medallion Humanitarian Dinner Committee of The Miami Coalition of Christians and Jews (MCCJ), nationally-recognized sculptor Zammy Migdal helped select the artistic sculpture to be unveiled at the 2011 dinner. (The MCCJ annually commissions a limited edition of an abstract sculpture that is used as dinner centerpieces and then sold). The 2011 affair will be held February 26 at the Four Seasons Hotel with proceeds benefiting the scholarship fund for MetroTown, a summer human relations and leadership program for teens. The individual commissioned this year is a Coconut Grove artist who presented the prototype, a brightly-colored metal creation that drew rave reviews from committee members, Michelle Ramirez Patricos, event co-chair, artist Lynn Kislak, Board Member Georgina Angones, and MCCJ Executive Director Roberta Shevin. The art (and artist) are not revealed until the night of the event when the centerpieces are unveiled.
Now celebrating its 76th anniversary year, MCCJ was founded to promote respect and tolerance through advocacy, education, dialogue and conflict resolution. Since 1946, the organization has honored those whose lives reflect its mission with 2010 honorees including visionaries in Miami’s business and religious communities who include Hilarie Bass, Richard D. Fain and Dr. Rudolph Moise, Silver Medallion designees;: Donald I. Bierman, Lifetime Achievement Medallion; and Rev. Dr. Patrick O’Neill and Rabbi Solomon Schiff, Clergy Medallions. Dinner tickets begin at $300 per person. For information and to RSVP, contact Roberta Shevin at 305-755-6096.
For two weekends on Virginia Key, thousands gathered daily for the fun and games at the Florida Renaissance Festival that included a comedy show and jousting tournaments — something for all ages. Among the highlights: sword fight demonstrations that included one of Community Newspapers’ talented artists and swordsman, Sergio Yanes. From learning how to shoot a crossbow to making glass, the Festival offered a truly educational experience, and was extended an extra day for visiting schools on January 24.
Until next time, keep making each day count.
If you would like to submit information for this column, please send your news via email to gloriagalburns@aol.com.