An exhibition of artworks by local artist, Ronald Shelley, and Naples artist, Muffy Clark Gill, will be displayed at The Wirtz Gallery in the First National Bank of South Miami, now through April 29. The display, Native and Natural: Seminoles & Tropical Landscapes, will feature landscapes, nature studies and batiks, with a portion of the proceeds from art sales benefitting the Florida non-profit, ArtSpring. A closing reception to meet the award-winning artists will be held in the gallery, Friday, April 29, 6 – 8 p.m.
Capturing the landscape of Florida and the Caribbean are consistent themes in Shelley’s body of work. In his graceful depictions of cabbage palms in the Everglades, dramatic tropical skies and the subtleties of Florida’s changing seasons, Shelley’s seemingly effortless style contradicts his mastery of the exacting watercolor technique.
Since 2006, Gill has been producing an artwork series depicting the Seminole and Miccosukee tribes of Florida using the batik process of painting on fabric. Historical documents, old and recent photographs, postcards and oral histories of the life and work of these early Florida settlers form the basis of her imagery.
ArtSpring, which provides artsbased educational programming to promote self-growth and develop effective life skills in incarcerated women, men, youth and other at-risk populations, will receive a portion of the art sales proceeds. Since 1994, ArtSpring has achieved national recognition for being the longest ongoing arts-in-corrections program in Florida. The organization provides quality-based educational workshops to over 600 inmates and juveniles each year.
The Wirtz Gallery is located in the First National Bank of South Miami, 5750 Sunset Drive in South Miami. For more information about the gallery, visit www.fnbsm.com
For more information about the artists, visit www.shelleystudio.com and www.muffyclarkgill.com.