Greater Miami Youth For Christ’s executive director Bonnie Rodriguez invites all South Florida families to join in the ninth annual Star-Gazing Party and Silent Auction on Friday, Mar. 21, 7 p.m., at 23600 SW 162 Ave. in The Redland. The event is called “A Starry Night In The Redland.”
“We are especially excited this year, because all proceeds from this fun event will raise funds to send youth to spring break camp, help fund summer trips for teens and elementary children, as well as fund a day camp for children and youth throughout the summer at two neighborhood sites,” Rodriguez said.
“We will have lots of kids activities too, such as crafts, face painting, bounce house, horses, and hayrides,” said KIX director Stacy Morales. “The entrance fee per person is just $3, and a nominal amount is charged for the hayride and all kids activities.
“This is a great event and you and your children won’t want to miss it,” Morales added. “Hot dogs and other refreshments will be sold at the event, as well.”
For the silent auction, Morales encourages individuals and businesses to donate services, gift cards to stores or restaurants, a gift certificate for a free membership or entrance fee, or a new item to be placed in our auction. “We need a variety of items to make our event a success,” she said.
KIX After-School Clubs reach at-risk children and teens. Elementary students receive homework assistance, character lessons and fitness activities five days a week. The middle and high school clubs offer evening programs, special events and camps.
Greater Miami Youth For Christ is a 65- year-old organization that has been continuously operating in Miami Dade County since 1948. Evangelist Billy Graham was the first full-time employee of the national Youth For Christ office. He led several youth rallies in Miami in the late ’40s.
A Starry Night in the Redland features several high-powered telescopes that are provided by the Southern Cross Astronomical Society. For more information on this event, or if you would like to become a volunteer, call Lilly in the YFC office at 305-271-2442.