Local Pilates instructor seeking support in national internet vote

Laura Felton

Laure Felton’s friends and coworkers are rallying together to show the World Wide Web that Miami excels at a lot more than just basketball by voting for the only competing Miami Pilates instructor, Laure Felton, at www.pilatesanytime.com/next/vote.cfm?cid=3.

Felton’s style of teaching enhances the innovative Pilates repertoire with professional dance and physical therapy movements. Your vote will give her the fantastic opportunity of sharing her very special Miami methods with the greater Pilates community.

A native Miamian, Felton first gained her in-depth knowledge of the human body as a dancer and then as a physical therapist assistant. She studied at the elite Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance in New York City and performed with a variety of choreographers.

After returning to her hometown of Miami, Felton was inspired to study physical therapy when her father suffered a serious illness. She was blessed to work at the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, where she was involved in clinical research for individuals with spinal cord injuries. With these experiences under her belt, she began studying Pilates in 1997, becoming certified by the Pilates Center in Boulder, CO.

Felton now is the director of the movement studio at Myra and Company in South Miami where she maintains a safe, healing, and inspirational environment for both her clients and fellow instructors. She started the Pilates program at Myra and Company in 1999, and serves as a Pilates instructor to clients who range from elite athletes to individuals with severe physical challenges.

Felton takes an integrative approach, augmenting the innovative Pilates repertoire with techniques that she learned as a professional dancer and physical therapist assistant to create an exceptional therapeutic exercise experience.

Felton has entered a contest with Pilates Anytime, an online business that provides instructors and clients with a wide variety of videos from instructors all over the world. If she wins the contest, she will be flown to California to make a video that will be on the Pilates Anytime site, receive a four-page spread in Pilates Style magazine, and attend the Pilates Method Alliance Conference.

In order to vote for her, you must go to www.pilatesanytime.com/next/vote.cfm?ci d=3. You then go to Laure Felton’s video and click next to her video to vote. You will have to enter your email address and then you will be sent a confirmation email that you must open in order for your vote to go through. Voting deadline is July 16.



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