Local resident Jillian Roberts, a 19-yearold sophomore at the University of Florida, had the opportunity in July to run with the Olympic Torch as one of 22 Americans and 10 teenagers sponsored by Coca Cola. She was nominated for her dedication and passion for serving her community and living a positive, active lifestyle. In 2008, as a freshman in high school, Roberts started a shoe drive inspired by her love of running, which has grown into a project called “Just Shoe It.” To date, she has collected more than 9,000 pairs of shoes that have gone to people in need around the world. She partnered with a non-profit organization in Boulder, CO called One World Running, where the shoes are sent to be washed, sorted, and shipped to different countries around the world. Roberts said she feels honored and privileged to have had this amazing opportunity to represent her country, school and organizations as a part of the Olympic Torch Relay in hopes to inspire others to go out and serve their community and the world.