By Sandy Kramer….

The Miami-Dade Police Department has nominated Capt. Michael Cundle for the prestigious Officer of the Month Award sponsored by the Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police.
Capt. Cundle has been a member of the department since 1982 and currently is assigned to the Special Patrol Bureau.
Capt. Cundle has been assigned to the Special Patrol Bureau’s Specialized Patrol and Events Section since 2006. His primary areas of responsibility are for the Aviation Unit, Marine Patrol Unit, Motorcycle Unit, Hit and Run Detail, Impaired Driving Enforcement Squad, and Special Events Unit.
His many achievements include the following:
• Development and implementation of the Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) unmanned aircraft;
• Implementation of the Events Scheduling System (ESS) for off-duty work;
• Purchase of four new helicopters with advanced capabilities, and
• Enhanced Port of Miami marine security.
During the past two years Capt. Cundle worked on the planning of Super Bowl XLIV that was held on Feb. 7 at Sun Life Stadium. This involved countless hours attending meetings, planning sessions and reviewing all of the operational plans for the law enforcement committee and sub-committees. He kept everyone involved in the planning updated on new information, set meeting agendas, and provided feedback for specific assignments.
On Jan. 3, Capt. Cundle transitioned from the planning phase to operational command at the stadium for the Pro Bowl game, followed a week later by the Super Bowl, where he diligently ensured all components of the plan, from traffic and escorts to explosive sweeps, were implemented and working properly. Where changes needed to be made, he worked with the appropriate staffing to resolve the issue.
The success of Super Bowl XLIV rested on the shoulders of many people who came together as a collective group from numerous local, state, and federal agencies to ensure a safe environment. He played a significant and critical role in this effort and his contribution to the success was an important part of the preparation and operations.
For three years Capt. Cundle has volunteered to coordinate the Department’s Operation Support Our Wounded Warriors program. During that period he has dedicated much of his own time to ensure that the veterans in the program receive the support they deserve. He helped coordinate numerous special events supporting the troops, always working hard and behind the scenes, never looking for any recognition.
One significant highlight was the introduction of the first 100 percent disabled veteran to be hired as a police officer in South Florida. Capt. Cundle first introduced this Wounded Warrior to the MDPD program at a Florida Marlins baseball game in July 2007.
On May 14, MDPD, the Florida Marlins, and the staff of Sun Life Stadium made the seventh presentation of an M1 Garand rifle — representing the era of the “greatest generation” — to a real hero from the current “greatest generation,” Army Capt. Jonathan Pruden.
Former Florida Marlins manager Fredi Gonzalez did the honors at the beginning of the Mets vs. Marlins baseball game. With less than 72 hours of lead time, Capt. Cundle managed to make all the arrangements for this event. Capt. Pruden, who himself was wounded in Operation Iraqi Freedom and works helping other wounded soldiers through the Wounded Warrior Program, was overwhelmed and grateful for the honor bestowed upon him.
This small sampling of Capt. Cundle’s many accomplishments is representative of the way he conducts himself — planning and juggling many major events that invariably conclude successfully.