Mr. Green Wilder Michell, perhaps the oldest man in South Miami, 105 years old, expired Thursday, May 29th 2014 at South Miami Hospital.
He was known as a model citizen. A man of a few words, but many good deeds. This man’s passion was to help others by visiting the sick and shut-in, to chauffeur those without transportation, to share his organic produce with neighbors, and to place trash containers into the proper yard, to prune and care for his own property and some of the impaired neighbors.
For many years he was employed by the Bush family who owned a farm on “school house” road. He resided with this family until 1943 when his own house was constructed out of coral rock. In 1945, the house was completed and his wife, along with his three children moved into the little house located in South Miami at 705 N. 2nd Court on a narrow, rocky dirt road. His young family soon learned what scorpions, horse flies, centipedes and the shedding of snake skins on the rock house meant.
In he fifties,, Mr. Green Mithes wall introduced to a new line of work. He became employed at the Holsum Bakery Bread Co. on US1. He loved South Miami and refused to relocate to Birmingham, Alabama with the Bush family.
Over the years, he met many friends at the Bakery Co. where he was valued as an excellent, honest and faithful employee. He has been a “quiet angel” who worked in the community and his church family. He was steadfast in Sunday School, vacation Bible school, prayer service, the mission society and other jobs joyfully for the Lord, serving faithfully until his health declined.
Another great you in life to him was his personal family- two daughters and school teachers in public service, and one son. Mr. Green Mitchell Found another passion in life- the South Miami Senior Citizen Plaza. He said the coffee was the best in the wold. He loved the people and staff members who fondly called him “grandfather.” He participated in the exercise classes, trips and enjoyed his lunches.
He is gone to a better world and life now, but will always be remembered as the number one dad to his family, family co-workers and community.
He was honored with special rewards, key to city, and letters from the congressmen, governor and president of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama.
He was a health care provider to Holiday Hunter and also to Mr. Omaha Stang and his wife until their demise.
Our love forever to the Best Dad and oldest man in South Miami,
The children, Mildred and Susie Clyde