Paper Boutique South Miami joined in the celebration during the annual Santa’s Parade of Elves on Sunday, Dec. 5, with a very special event of its own.
The Elf Magic Parade brought Jingle and Jangle to South Miami aboard the Play Kids float where they rode along the parade route waving and wishing all the children happy holidays. On board, was a very special guest, a little boy who is receiving cancer treatment at Miami Children’s Hospital and through the efforts of the Make A Wish Foundation was able to ride alongside the elves.
Paper Boutique South Miami continued the celebration at the store, located at 7346 SW 57 Ave., with a special Elf Magic party complete with snow cones cotton candy and elf hats for the kids. The store also collaborated with “Amigos for Kids” and spent the day collecting toys that will be distributed during the holidays to abused, neglected and disadvantaged children in the community.
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