The Red Sunset Merchants School Committee recently came to the aide of some local schools. The Committee tries to match-up members with schools who are in need of their services, providing them with the help they need. It’s a win, win for both!
Tuesday, January 18th, Cool de sac and GameTime hosted Somerset SoMi Academy students to a day of play and lunch as a reward for raising the most money for the School’s ACT Fund. ACT or Assistants for Classroom Teachers is a voluntary program that allows for assistants to be hired for individual classrooms. The parents’ goal to raise enough money to cover one assistant per classroom is a huge undertaking. They need to raise over $100,000 for this year alone.
They have been raising voluntary funds through parent donations, bake sales, and other fundraising ideas. The classroom with the highest percentage of funds received the prizes donated by Cool de Sac and GameTime. “The kids had a great time and will be telling their parents how much fun they had. What a great way to help the school and gain additional exposure”, said Irene Guilot, General Manager of Cool de Sac!
Splitsville Luxury Lanes also donated a party to the higher grades that will be used later this year.
The Committee works as a liaison between the schools and the members. If you are a school or a member and would like to find out more, contact, Vivian Conterio for more information at 305-665-9602, or send email to Vivian@giatech.net.