South Miami Sidewalk Improvements

I’m pleased to share a positive update in South Miami. On Tuesday, March 4th, I attended the City of South Miami Commission meeting, and made a presentation before members of the City Commission, as well as the Mayor, Philip Stoddard. I was happy to announce a major reconstruction initiative for sidewalks in South Miami, which will positively impact all users of the public right-of-ways. Based on my initiative, District 7 is approving the use of its People’s Transportation Plan (PTP) allocation to fund sidewalk, milling and resurfacing improvements along SW 80th Street, from SW 57th Avenue, to US 1, at an estimated cost of $535,000. SW 80th Street is a county-maintained roadway, with segments falling within the boundaries of the City of South Miami, as well.

Estimated Sidewalk Cost: $312,000

Estimated Milling & Resurfacing Costs: $223,000

The scope of work for the project consists of, but is not limited to the construction of new concrete sidewalks along the south side of SW 80th Street, construction of new pedestrian access ramps or connectors at intersections to comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, construction of curb and gutter (where necessary), construction of connectors and landings at bus stops, and modification / restoration of driveway approaches. The scope of the work for the resurfacing portion of this project consists of the following: milling, resurfacing, pavement markings, signage, adjustment of valve boxes and manholes.

Construction is scheduled to begin during the summer of 2014 and the anticipated duration is three months. Resurfacing activities will begin immediately upon the completion of the sidewalk improvements and is expected to last three months.

I was especially pleased to receive a letter from Mayor Stoddard the very next day, thanking my office for helping to make this long-needed project come to fruition. As he stated so eloquently, “This stretch has long been known as the most dangerous street for pedestrians and cyclists in South Miami. I have sought the construction of this sidewalk or at least a decade, and I can’t recall how many times I was told it was nearly impossible because the County wouldn’t cooperate. You just did what nobody thought could be done.”

Thank you, Mayor Stoddard, for your kind words of appreciation. Kudos to all staff at the County and the City who helped to turn this vision into a reality.

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Story provided by Miami-Dade County Commissioner Xavier L. Suarez

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