Soon as temperatures start to drop, you know festival season is about to begin across the county, with ChamberSOUTH’s South Miami Art Festival leading the way, Nov. 5-6. Each year, this amazing fine arts show, presented by our friends at First National Bank of South Miami, seems to get bigger and better – and more fun. And this being the 45th year, it looks like we’re in for another masterpiece event. Expect about 50,000 art and culture lovers out at this free festival on Sunset Drive in the heart of South Miami on Nov. 5 (10 am – 6 pm) and Nov. 6 (10 am – 5 pm). See you there!
Could it be that more personnel files are being leaked out of the police department and city hall? Stands to reason that if it happened at once – not too long ago – it might just happen again. In the most recent case, one activist claimed that someone on the dais gave her the files of a police officer. We’re going to try and verify that, but in the mean time, where are the investigators on this one? It seems this would be a no-brainer. Either the file was obtained or not. And if it was improperly obtained, the authorities have an obligation to investigate, and let it go where it may. Period!
Beautiful new street signs have been popping up all over the South Miami, most recently west of SW 62 Ave. around SW 68 St. and beyond, as well as west of SW 57 Ave. around SW 64 St. It’s a nice touch that clearly states the city cares and is on the move. Good job, city commission.
I hear city leaders are finally done dealing with the actions – or lack thereof – of the loosey goosey volunteers on the City Planning Board. They’ve been failing to show up at meetings, so now the city is putting its collective foot down by amending membership and quorum requirements. Nice move, city hall. It’s about time. Can’t help but wonder if there are other things like this needing your special attention. If there are, there’s no time like the present – and with 2017 right around the corner, maybe our leaders will use that as just one more reason to get it done now.
Whether you want to admit it or not, the holiday shopping season is upon us. So before you start surfing and clicking on your favorite on-line stores, take a tactile walk down Sunset Drive and the surrounding area to see if our neighborhood retailers can tickle your fancy first. Many of the people who own these stores and work in them also live right here in our backyard. So let’s support our hometown businesses – and tell all our friends about the amazing shopping options right here in our city. Seems this is the least we can do for our local businesses.
And speaking of keeping local, the folks over at FootWorks on Sunset Drive want you to know that the best place to buy walking and running attire is right here in South Miami. FootWorks staff is always knowledgeable, friendly, and they will take very good care of you. And it case you didn’t know, while you’re there you can join a walking or jogging class for fun, or even start training to enter a 5k or a half- or full marathon event.
County commissioners have unanimously adopted two initiatives sponsored by Commissioner Sosa that better the lives of Miami-Dade pets. In a move that helps connect vets with pets, Commissioner Sosa advanced legislation that waives adoption and spay/neuter fees for qualified individuals. This new initiative is meant to give the 60,000 veterans of war in MiamiDade County greater access to the health benefits of pet ownership. Studies show that when vets bond with animals, it greatly reduces the impact of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Additionally, Commissioner Sosa filed legislation to expand the Responsible Pet Ownership Curriculum, an incredibly successful program sponsored by Commissioner Sosa in 2013 that has been responsible for teaching 89,000 elementary school students the basics of responsible pet ownership. This latest measure seeks additional funding to bring the program to our community’s junior- and high-school students.
“I truly believe that veterans are this community’s greatest source of pride, and I know they will give our pets warm and loving homes,” said Commissioner Sosa. “We are forever indebted to them for their service and protection of our freedoms…”
“In 2013 when I sponsored the initiative to teach our children the importance of responsible pet ownership, I could never have imagined just how great the program would turn out to be,” continued Commissioner Sosa. “It is my hope that we can grow the program to our older students, who can play a larger role in saving animals.” (Pets for Vets legislation: This item was provided by Miami- Dade County).
Got any tips? Contact me at 305-669- 7355, ext. 249, or send emails to <michael@communitynewspapers.com>.