Dear Friends,
Firstly, many thanks to those of you who have already donated to this worthy cause. With 3 more days to go before the Friendship Circle walk, We are once again asking you to to support us. We have registered to participate in the Walking4friendship walkathon, a 3k walk-a-thon on Sunday February 12 , 2012 to benefit children with special needs.
All of the money we will raise will go toward the Friendship Circle, a non-profit, non-sectarian organization that provides programs and resources for children with special needs and their families through a unique program that trains local teenagers to work with these special kids.
By intergrating the wisdom of professionals and the energetic spirit of teenagers, the Friendship Circle brings out the best from within all of those involved. Through the gifts and joys of friendship, the young volunteers are able to reach the children in ways that most forms of therapy cannot. Furthermore, the program has had a profound effect on the teenagers themselves instilling within them the values of giving and gratitude.
This program is now being offered to many children with conditions like autism, Down’s syndrome, ADD and other such challenges.
Would you please be a sponsor of our effort and help us reach our goal of $10,000. The 3k walk is a small way of giving something back to this wonderful cause. You can be part of this worthy endeavor by clicking on this link. It will bring you to our special home page; simply follow the directions from there. By doing this you will ensure that our every step on February 12- helps bring a smile to the face of some very special children in our community!
Your response to this request would really mean a great deal to us, but more importantly, it will mean a great deal to families in this community who really need this relief and support.
With much thanks, Grant & Michael Miller
PS – Your contribution is tax-deductible, donate now. Any amount will help. Please help us go that extra mile for a child with special needs – for every child deserves a friend.
PPS – If you live in the area, please join us on February 12 at 9am for the walking4friendship walk-a-thon. You will be so touched by the love, warmth and friendship of these very special children.