My friend and I are conflicted on the subject of dental implants. I say they are nothing new but he insists otherwise. Can you settle this debate?
Dental implants of some sort (as we know of them today) have been around for thousands of years.
Every society had their own ways of dealing with people who had lost teeth. The ancient Egyptians placed wooden plugs in the toothless site. When an Eskimo aged and eating became difficult because the teeth were worn down due to their blubber diet, a child with baby teeth would chew the food for them.
Let us keep in mind the importance of teeth and the medical consequences if they are lost and not replaced – digestion is effected; nutrition is lost; your health may be compromised.
From early development of the dental implant fixture to present day and future advancements, the size, shape, materials, surface and coatings are and will continue to evolve; stainless steel to carbon to current titanium-the progression is steady and the results are outstanding and successful with each new invented technology. Even surgeons revise how, when and where the fixtures are placed. We embrace this exciting science and have for the past 25 years since we performed our first dental implant procedure. When a patient is happy, we are happy. My bet is we all win!
Which is better ~ a manual or electric toothbrush?
I like this question a lot! I am going to try to be as neutral as possible and any vagueness will be your guide to what is the right answer for YOU!
We always look to the professionals in the dental office-the doctor and the hygienist for answers. Both would agree when a manual toothbrush is used, the focus is on tooth surface (front, back) therefore more time is spent on the motion; an electric device seems to encompass moving the wand across a span of area. I think it is also generational – older patients feel as though they do not have control of the electric brush (partials, dentures may inhibit proper technique) and is not as effective as a manual brush. Younger people in braces should use an electric brush as it gets into the cracks and crevices of the bands and wires.
Both doctor and hygienist agree flossing is vitally important and should be incorporated into your daily routine (2 x day) of oral hygiene as tooth decay and gum disease usually starts between teeth. It is important the bristles of the brush be soft, a circular motion applied to the teeth and gums when brushing, no abrasive paste or adhesives and the brush replaced every 6 months.
Dr. Kessler’s office is located in the Dadeland Medical Building, 7400 N. Kendall Drive, directly across the street from Dadeland Shopping Mall and he may be reached at 305- 670-3800 or at
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