Calling All Merchants

This is an official call to action by the Red Sunset Merchant Association. In the past few months, we’ve infused South Miami’s merchant group with a new, motivated board of directors and exciting plans to draw more customers to our downtown shopping district. Now we need your help to collectively grow our merchant community through cooperative marketing, fun-filled community events, and creative deals & specials.

What makes South Miami special is our unique, “small town” feel. We’re striving to preserve that quaint atmosphere, while implementing organic and social marketing initiatives. We’re in the process of building a consumer website, to showcase our diverse shopping and dining options, as well as provide business owners with a platform to publish special deals and upcoming events. We’re also launching a membership drive, aimed at unifying all the merchants in South Miami under one common goal: to grow our exposure throughout Miami-Dade and to continue to beautiful and promote South Miami.


We already know South Miami is the best place to spend time in South Florida. Now let’s make it official. The Miami Herald, in partnership with The Knight Foundation and Townhouse Center, is running a contest to find the “Best Block in South Florida.” We’re actively nominating Red Road & Sunset Drive as the best block – and we need your help. You’ll need to snap a photo of the block with Instagram, and tag the photo with #SFbestblock. To submit an entry, visit:

RSMA MERCHANT SURVEY We want to know how to add value to your business, and to our merchant community. So we’ve put together a quick 12- question survey to get your feedback. We’re looking to find out what’s working for you and your business, and what we can improve on. We also want to know more about how you want to get involved, and how you think we should organize as a group – whether as a formal monthly meeting, casual cocktail networking, or something else. To submit your responses, visit:

 “MERCHANT NIGHTS” Our monthly cocktail networking meeting, Merchant Nights, has quickly grown into our best attended events. Special thanks to all the participating venues including Shula’s 347 Grill, Buffalo Wild Wings, Sushi Maki, and Town for all hosting fantastic events in the past 4 months. We look forward to seeing you at our next Merchant Night – Tuesday, August 14th @ Splitsville, starting at 5:30pm.

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