Transform your body with CoolSculpting

My friend just told me that he had CoolSculpting to get rid of his love handles. He said that it was done without anesthesia and – it worked! Can you tell me about this procedure?

CoolSculpting is a relatively new technique that allows fat to be frozen and then “melt” away. When subcutaneous fat (fat lying directly under the skin) is exposed to extreme cold, it becomes inflamed. This allows the body to absorb the broken down cells safely, with no perceptible rise in blood lipid levels. It was reported in the original studies that patients averaged a 25 percent reduction of fat in the area treated area with just one treatment. The treatment appears to be persistent with no rebound (recurring fat deposits) if a patient gains weight.

CoolSculpting is the only cooling technology approved by the FDA for non-surgical, non-invasive long- lasting fat reduction in the anterior abdomen and flanks. And as usual, there are other areas that are being “cooled” that are not FDAapproved with positive results.

A pinch test is used to determine if you are a good candidate. Once your doctor determines you are a good candidate, you can proceed with CoolSculpting. To begin the procedure, tissue is drawn into the applicator with suctioning and then cooled rapidly to a level that does not injure the skin (the skin is less sensitive to cooling). Most people feel very minimal discomfort that subsides within a few minutes.

The treatment time is approximately one hour per area. Patients may need multiple treatments to achieve their desired body contouring. Depending on which protocol your doctor uses, you may be able to have multiple treatments within days or months of each other.

After the CoolSculpting procedure, there may be some discomfort and tenderness that resolves after a few days. Patients may also feel numbness or tingling for a few weeks, but bruising is uncommon. There is no down time with this procedure and reported satisfaction rates are between 90 to 95 percent in well-selected patients.

Dr. Wolf’s office is located at 8940 N. Kendall Dr., Suite 903E. He may be reached at 305-595-2969 or at

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