“Go… go out, just drive.” Something came over me. It was telling me to drive? I don’t even like to drive yet I could not resist. The same feeling told me to drive south. Never having noticed the Metaphysical Chapel of South Florida’s sign before in Dania Beach, I passed it by thinking “Wow, that’s a weird church name! How do those two words go together when church taught me one is related to God and one is related to evil?” As I continued driving away, that strange force urged me to make a U-turn and stop to inspect that Chapel.
On display in their bookstore windows were crystals, sexy voodoo candles, witch’s calendars, new age books, Hindu images, and Native American items – all things mystical I had been mystified by in the Bible since childhood but being raised Southern Baptist – all that stuff was “of the devil.”
I returned two weeks later one Sunday morning – curiosity got the best of me. I sat through their service run by a female minister (Rev. Sherry J.) which was something I had only ever heard of rarely. I recognized she was speaking of a profound truth that was totally foreign yet somehow familiar to me. I recognized this truth was something I had never heard from a minister or church yet my soul recognized this (metaphysical) truth hidden in plain site within scriptures and bible stories. At the end of their service, this minister delivered Divine Prophetic Messages (as mediums of today do) to all attendees. I was shocked to see psychic work in a church. I was totally confused yet nervously excited. I instantly felt I had found my new spiritual home.
Within a few months, the church elders announced the church would be closed soon as it had little money left and few attendees anymore. I was mortified that what I had been seeking my entire life might suddenly all just as soon disappear!
I told the congregation I was going to raise enough funds to keep the chapel alive. Some of the elders rolled their eyes while expressing they’d made all the usual attempts. I insisted, “I know my approaches will work and I will put my money up so there’s no risk to our church.” They cautiously consented. After a serious social media blitz and a few large monthly yard sales, we began to flourish again.
Six months later, the minister suggested I begin seminary courses. “Oh no, I really do not wish to become a minister.” She replied “I believe you will benefit from learning from their metaphysical classes. Don’t worry about the minister tract right now.” Several years into my seminary studies, it was announced that the Minister was retiring. I was asked to take the mantle and lead the congregation. And once again I told myself “No.” I was not interested in taking that deep a plunge into church.
“Metaphysics” is the philosophy, the science and the religion of life itself. It means “beyond the physical.” We as a church denomination study and teach others about that which is beyond the physical dimension – the spirit world (which actually contains this physical dimension – not the other way around.) And it is quite rare that people, let alone a church, would scientifically approach and analyze such a great mystery, but we do and have for some 175+ years. The world of Spirit is the land of the living, not the dead. Souls are conscious energies; energies which can never be destroyed but are truly eternal. All the prophets (mediums) of the Bible were truly Metaphysicians; how otherwise could they prophesy without their Gifts of Spirit? While we understand the Bible is not perfect, it is the written word developed by humanity, not God itself… God’s words are the intuitive voice of the deepest part of ourselves that channels through some more than others who have karmically earned the right to channel. Our biblical teachings are that God is not a person but is “the One in whom we live and move and have our being.” We each are the physical embodiment of God… God in Expression because “everything that is” is an expression of the creative loving force of Infinite Intelligence called by many names. Yes, we are stardust as science says yet we are more than this as everything is the expression of God… gravity, wind, black holes, star light and galaxies. All forces whether destructive or creative… are God in Expression. As Metaphysicians we attempt to deconstruct the God-element in it all.
We teach non-judgement. We teach God is not some bearded old white man in the sky judging everything we do but that we ourselves (our souls) judge our last life upon return to our spiritual home. We teach there is no place we go to called heaven or hell. These are states of consciousness we exist in while in the spirit realms. Our consciousness here on earth is the same upon arrival to the spirit world of life. We gravitate to a vibrational plane of existence that reflects our level of consciousness, our level of love or our level of chaos in the life we left behind on earth – Spirit has told us this.
Most are taught there is separation between humanity and God, when in truth, all is connected by the eternity of our souls, our consciousness. God is never separate from us, never upset with us, never judging of us, never condemning of us… because we ARE God in Expression. God is nothing but pure love, so God can be nothing but loving towards us. Even in the tragedies of life we find incredible spiritual lessons that elevate our souls “if” we can find the silver lining in those dark clouds.
As our conscious souls live on in the next dimensions, we remain thinking and evolving in mind and personality. Just as Catholics call upon former humans (Saints) now “dead” for guidance and support, Metaphysicians truly speak to these same loving spirits and receive guiding philosophy and healing wisdom directly from those contacted through their trained mediums – just as the medium Jesus trained his disciples to perform many mediumistic acts, such as healing, exorcisms, remote viewing, and channeling of higher wisdom via the Holy Spirit’s presence within themselves.
The Metaphysical Chapel of South Florida (www.MetaphysicalChapel.com) is a true “center of spiritual light” that seeks to grow with our community. We open our doors to all those without a community, to all those seeking healing, to all those seeking to reconnect to God and Spirit, to those seeking guidance through Higher Spiritual Truth, to all those judged and condemned by so called temples of God. You will find the power in our chapel is not in the pulpit, but within every attendee who brings their soul light into our chapel.
Because as Dorothy was told by the Good Witch, Glenda (Wizard of Oz), “You’ve always had the power, Dorothy!” Truly, we each are a Divine Spark of that Infinite Intelligence called by many names. Ministers should never be the gatekeeper between God and humanity. We each hold the power to hold direct communion with Source… if we but try.
Testimonials by Congregants of the Metaphysical Chapel
“I came from a church where I felt… judged. This is a wonderful church for there is no judgement. I feel unconditional love and acceptance. I dedicated my new year to giving classes with proceeds going to my Chapel. And in 2019, I will enter their Seminary Program for Ordination to become a Minister!” Jeevali Pranayam is a spiritual teacher, healer and counselor who immediately felt at home at the Chapel.
Since 1992, Glenn Pieck said he “loved being a jack-of-all-trades for his Chapel family;” including running the audio/visual department and performing spiritual healings during the half hour Sunday Healing Services. It ran in the family because his father was a long standing member as well having served for years as a fellow Minister and being the Chapel’s Healing Director.