“The City of Sunny Isles Beach recently held its grand opening celebration of the City’s new Skate Park on Saturday, February 12, 2011,” says Susan Simpson, City of Sunny Isles Beach Cultural and Human Services Director. “There was a red-ribbon cutting ceremony, family activities, entertainment and demonstrations by skate board professionals.”
The new Skate Park is located at the west end of Town Center Park, 17200 Colllins Avenue. There is a fee to use the Skate Park which is operated by Sugars Drop Shop. Waivers are required and must be signed by a parent for patrons under the age of 18. Helmets are required and pads are recommended for all ages. Skateboards and helmets will be available for rent on-site at the Skate Park.
Sugars Drop Shop is a skate park management company based in Miami, Florida. They currently run four skate parks in the Miami-Dade County area. Each skate park also features its own mini skate shop and snack shop. Their skate shops are stocked with quality skateboard equipment at discount prices and are staffed with friendly knowledgeable employees. They also offer skateboard camps, skateboard lessons and host a variety of action sports events. For more information visit their website at www.sugarsdropshop.com.
Monday – Friday 3 pm to 8 pm
Saturday – 10 am to 8 pm • Sunday 11am to 8pm
The concession stand and snack shop is open to Skate Park patrons and also to visitors at Town Center Park.
Monday – Friday
$2 (SIB residents) $3 (non residents)
Saturday – Sunday
$5 (residents) $7 (non residents)
Holidays/School Breaks –
$5 (residents) $7 (non residents)
Monthly passes
$35 per month (residents) $45 per month (non residents).
Monthly passes must be purchased at the skate shop and are valid one month from the purchase date.
Helmets: $2
Skateboards $5
Beginners Session (ages 12 and under)
Saturdays – 10 am to 12 pm
(free lesson with paid admission)
With the opening of the Skate Park, keep in mind that all general park rules still apply at Town Center Park. There is no skating, biking, rollerblading or scooters allowed within Town Center Park’s general park area. The list of park rules is affixed to the entrance of Town Center Park. Those individuals found violating the park rules will not be allowed access to the Skate Park.
For more information contact Sugars Drop Shop at 786.537.3372 or call the Cultural and Human Services Department at 305.792.1706.