`MDX is spreading the word about new available jobs in Miami- Dade through Odebrecht U.S.A., a contractor on two ongoing construction projects along SR 836/Dolphin Expressway.
Odebrecht U.S.A. is constructing two projects for MDX along SR 836 from NW 17th Avenue to NW 87th Avenue. Operators for a variety of construction equipment are needed by Odebrecht U.S.A. to work on the MDX Projects, as well as other construction projects as may be needed by Odebrecht U.S.A.
“MDX is facilitating the dissemination of this information to the public in furtherance of the agency’s goal of helping to create jobs locally in Miami-Dade County,” said Helen Cordero, head of the agency’s Career Enhancement Program. “We are not involved in any portion of the hiring process and these laborers shall become employees of Odebrecht U.S.A.”
Interested individuals with the required skills and experience are encouraged to contact Ms. Alyssa Daza at ADaza@odebrecht.com or via phone at 305-341-8830. Do not submit resumes to MDX.
Available Positions:
- Motorgrader Operators
- Excavator Operators
- Dozer Operators
- Front End Loader Operators
Required Experience:
A minimum two (2) years of experience working as an Operator in the Construction Industry.
The hourly wage compensation varies depending on level of experience and qualifications of the individual. Employee benefits are provided.
Anticipated Length of Employment:
Approximately 24 months on the above MDX Projects. Future opportunities may be available depending on market conditions.
About MDX
MDX operates and maintains five user-supported expressways in Miami-Dade County – SR 112/Airport Expressway, SR 836/Dolphin Expressway, SR 874/Don Shula Expressway, SR 878/Snapper Creek Expressway, and SR 924/Gratigny Parkway. MDX expressways are funded by toll revenue, which is reinvested back into the community and funds the construction of projects that alleviate traffic congestion, create thousands of local jobs and provide new opportunities to small and local businesses. The agency also gives back a portion of its annual revenue to drivers through the MDX Cash Back Toll Dividend Program.