FAC Awards Commissioner Sally A. Heyman with Presidential Advocacy Award

Heyman given award for going above and beyond during 2015 Legislative Session The Florida Association of Counties (FAC) presented Miami-Dade County Commissioner Sally A. Heyman with the Presidential Advocacy Award during the 2015 FAC Annual Conference & Exposition in St. Johns County

#99 Heyman's logo“Public Safety issues and initiatives remains a priority for me in serving Miami-Dade County and counties throughout Florida,” said Commissioner Heyman.

Commissioner Heyman served as a Chair of the Public Safety Policy Committee. As Chair she helped shape the organization’s policy platform on public safety issues leading up to the 2015 Legislative Session and then continued to provide guidance on policy throughout the session.

“It is public servants like Commissioner Heyman that ensure our local communities have the authority to respond to the demands of their citizens,” said FAC Executive Director Chris Holley, “her willingness to advocate for counties on every level is essential to furthering the Association’s mission – to preserve homerule.”

The FAC Policy Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs are appointed by the President to serve one year terms. FAC has five standing policy committees: Finance, Tax & Administration, Growth & Environment, Health & Human Services, Public Safety and Federal as well as a Rural Caucus and a Urban Caucus.

The Presidential Advocacy Award is given annually to those county commissioners from around the state that who have shown exceptional leadership in partnering with FAC to advance the counties’ legislative agenda.

For 85 years, the Florida Association of Counties has represented the diverse interests of Florida’s counties, emphasizing the importance of protecting home rule – the concept that government closest to the people governs best. The Florida Association of Counties helps counties effectively serve and represent Floridians by strengthening and preserving county home rule through advocacy, education and collaboration.

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