Free digital technology courses for persons 60+

Free digital technology courses for persons 60+

Free digital technology courses for persons 60+On May 17, 2013, I watched a segment on Today concerning a technology program offered by Senior Planet, a nonprofit organization located in New York City ( Among other things, the course teaches persons 60 years of age and older how to use digital technology. The program is funded by grants and is offered free of charge.

I immediately contacted Sunny Isles Beach staff and asked them to research the possibility of our establishing similar courses here in the City. Thanks to the efforts of our Cultural and Community Services and Information Technology Departments, I am happy to announce that we were able to find a technology program for those 60 and over, and it will begin in October! Thereafter, the courses will be offered two times per year.

The program is designed and taught by S.T.E.P.S. in the Right Direction, Inc., a nonprofit organization serving people in need in Miami Dade and Monroe counties ( Through federal funding, S.T.E.P.S. is able to provide this technology training to persons 60 and older at no cost. The agency’s overall purpose is to help the elderly and families reach financial stability and self-sufficiency.

You must be 60 or older to enroll and the courses are free! The curriculum includes computer usage, internet, email, and social media. The first offering will be the Level 1 Basic course on Mondays and Wednesdays, October 7 through October 21, 2013, from 10:30 a.m. until noon. The Level 2 Intermediate courses, for those having successfully completed Level 1, will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays, November 4 through November 20, 2013, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. All classes will be held at Pelican Community Park and, of course, free shuttle service is available.

Enrollment is limited. To enroll, or for more information, call 305.792.1706. For future classes and other program information, you may also visit the City of Sunny Isles Beach website at

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