FOG refers to fat, oils and grease from food preparation, food service and kitchen cleanup. It is important to know how to properly dispose of FOG to avoid potential environmental problems that may result in violations and possible fines.
Grease is found in most discarded foods such as meat fats (bacon, sausage, beef, pork, chicken), food scraps, pastries, baked goods, lard, butter, margarine, cooking oil, salad dressing, mayonnaise, and dairy (milk, ice cream, yogurt, sour cream, cheese).
Grease hardens when cooled, and along with fats and oils, forms globs that stick to the inner walls of sewer pipes. This restricts wastewater flow and can clog the pipes leading to sewer overflows into parking lots and streets.
So how do you keep FOG out of all drains? Please remember the following tips:
• Place cooled cooking oil, poultry and meat fats in sealed non-recyclable containers and discard with your regular garbage;
• Don’t dump grease in drains, but collect for proper disposal or reuse;
• Collect extra grease from cookware and plates;
• Use absorbents such as cat litter or paper towels to pick up oil and grease spills before mopping;
• Dry wipe pots, pans and kitchen equipment before cleaning;
• Use floor drain and sink drain screens to prevent food waste and large pieces of FOG and food from entering interceptor, and
• Use absorbent paper under fryer baskets.