More than occasionally, I get phone calls or complaints inregards to persons flying the United Stated flag on their condo building, home or business and it is in terrible shape; often torn or frayed or tattered, which lacks the respect and regard we should ALL have. In some cases it is purely unintentional or an oversight. But when it gets to the point that others notice it is clearly time to replace OLD GLORY with a new one. And do it with PRIDE.
I have heard heartbreaking stories from residents over the years, who lost a son, a husband, a father, or even multiple family members due to WAR and in defense of the United States. That feeling NEVER GOES AWAY for them. It is empty, cold, lonely and the only satisfaction they have, if any is that our flag standing for freedom and what they died for, is an everyday reminder and symbol of that freedom. We all owe at least that to the SURVIVORS who sacrificed a family member or loved one to protect us.
We OWE them the honor of flying a respectable flag and replacing the worn out ones. We also owe it to EACH other as Americans, that our pride will never be compromised.
A heartfelt “Thank You” to those who have come forward and asked me to intervene and bring this to our town’s attention so that EVERY FLAG is respectable and respected. And just so we all realize ALL the HEROES over the years of war and battle, it is not just those who died in service, it is for EVERY man and woman who served honorably at any time to protect our liberty. Next time you see a WOUNDED WARRIOR who lived but has lost much in doing so, say a prayer and thank them in person – it says a lot.