Sunny Isles Beach Permit and Licensing Clerk
Sunny Isles Beach Permit and Licensing Clerk Yelena Vinokur, has recently become certified as a Business Tax Official. She wishes to remind business owners that they must renew their Local Business Tax and Certificate of Use by September 30th each year. This requirement also includes homebased businesses. Fees vary according to the nature of the business. Mailings regarding renewals should be arriving at businesses by the first week in August.
Yelena and her family have lived in the City since two months prior to incorporation in 1997. She was here for the birth of the City. She has seen the improvements to quality of life, brought about by both the ordinances enacted by the City Commission and also the hard work of the employees who enforce those codes. She has handled the Local Business Tax renewals since she began working in the Code Compliance Division in April 2006. She was recognized for her hard work and dedication with an Employee of the Quarter Award in 2013.
Yelena goes on to explain why it is important to renew by the September deadline. When the renewal is late, penalties are imposed based on a percentage of the Certificate fee as follows:
October 10%
November 15%
December 20%
January 25%
February – an additional $30 Administrative Fee will be imposed and Code Enforcement proceedings will begin against the property.
Renewals for the Local Business Tax may be mailed to the office or returned in person to Yelena or any other permit clerk at the window (3rd Floor, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue). The hours are from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday – Friday. There is no need to take a number for the renewal window.
If you have any questions regarding your renewal call 305.792.1705 and speak with a permit and licensing clerk. Perhaps you will be lucky enough to chat with Yelena, in one of the three languages in which she is proficient. But if you miss speaking with her, it might just be that she is taking some time to do her favorite thing, visiting beautiful, scenic places with her family.