SIB Police Department presents Special Awards and Officer of the Year 2011

Police Awards L to R: Captain Grandinetti, Corporal Zamora, Corporal Ostrov, Civilian Employee Dan Varone, Corporal Schnell, Sergeant Santiago, Captain Snyder

On Friday, February 10, 2012, the Annual Internal Awards for the Police Department were held at the Sunny Isles Beach Station. These awards have over the years, evolved into a special recognition for police employees who display or perform qualities and service in a particular area. The following categories and recipients were named:

“JOE BORRELL AWARD” — this award is sponsored by long term resident Frank Borrell in honor of his father, an International Champion in the Sport of International Champion in the Sport of Boxing and former Police Chief. The award symbolizes characteristics of perseverance, dedication, work with youth and a kindred spirit as well as a superb work ethic. RECIPIENT: Corporal Rob Ostrov — K9 Unit

WILLIAM (BILL) PARRILLO AWARD – this award is sponsored by Mr. Richard Parrillo, Sr. a longtime supporter of law enforcement and police charities in Miami- Dade County. The award is given in honor of his father “Bill” Parrillo, a notorious and highly acclaimed federal prosecutor. The award symbolizes dedication and compassion to the less fortunate and programs designed to help those in dire need. Qualites of the recipient are compassion for others, unselfish efforts to give time to help others or work in programs designed to do so.

RECIPIENT: CORPORAL BRIAN SCHNELL – UNIFORM PATROL AND PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER. *NOTE: Cpl. Schnell filled in as program coordinator for the Police Officer Assistance Trust (Charity) in lieu of Captain Snyder who was away at the FBI National Academy. Cpl. Schnell gave a considerable amount of his own time to help the surviving children of officers killed in the line of duty over the Holiday Season.

WILLIAM “BILL” LONE AWARD – this award is one of the MOST prestigious awards that an officer or employee can win. The award is named in honor of one of the founding fathers for Incorporation of the City. Mr. Lone was loved by city officials, city employees, residents and business owners, alike. He was known for his sense of humor, dedication and commitment to the city. Recipient: Sgt. Eddy Snatiago — Special Investigations Unit.

CIVILIAN EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR – DANIEL VARONE In spite of the fact that several life changing moments occurred for this employee, including his marriage, and the anticipated arrival of their first child, Mr. Varone exhibited a dedication to duty and positive work ethic every day on the job. Dan Varone is reliable, punctual and strives to make the workplace a happier one for those whom he works with daily.

OFFICER OF THE YEAR – CORPORAL RUBEN ZAMORA This prestigious award was a “no brainer” as they say when it came to selection time. Corporal Zamora has taken on a myriad of new and additional assignments throughout the past year. He currently serves as the Training Advisor and Program Coordinator for the department. He also serves as the Administration Corporal to Captain Grandinetti. He was instrumental in developing this year’s firearms qualification course and scenario based training for all our officers. He took on special projects and events in the city throughout the past year and during his off time, he devoted hours of assistance to Corporal Schnell for the Holiday Collection table to benefit children of officers killed in the line of duty. Congratulations to Ruben Zamora and to all the special recipients of this year’s awards.

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