Please join us on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chamber for this month’s Commission Meeting. The meeting will open with the announcement of the winners of the Sunny Isles Beach Photo Contest for the City’s 2012 calendar. Also, a proclamation is to be presented by Mayor Norman S. Edelcup to Sunny Isles Beach Police Officer Gordon Director upon his retirement. Additionally, there will be a presentation by 4M Investors, LLC concerning Gateway Park.
• Staff is recommending that the City Commission approve a FY2011/2012 budget amendment for proposed capital projects.
• Staff is recommending that the City Commission approve an ordinance for the general fund for FY 2011/2012 to ensure budgetary compliance.
• Requesting approval of appointments to the City Advisory Committee for 2012. It is being proposed that the number of committee members be increased from 9 to 10.
• Requesting approval of the City of Sunny Isles Beach Drug-Free Workplace Program Policy.
• Requesting approval of continuance of Brown and Brown Insurance as the City’s medical insurance broker for the March 2012 plan year.
• Request approval to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into an agreement with Bettoli Vending for the placement of vending machines in various City parks.
• Request approval to acquire submerged land between NE 172nd Street- 174th St/No. Bay Road to construct an emergency vehicle bridge. Evidence of ownership is necessary in order to obtain a Class I permit from Miami Dade. Ownership to be obtained either through sale or eminent domain.
• Request approval to entering into an agreement with Calvin Giordano & Associations for consulting and permitting services for the emergency bridge project.
• Request approval to move forward to contract with Kimley-Horn & Associates to improve traffic conditions at Collins Ave. & 183rd St.
• Request approval to move forward to contract with Craig A. Smith & Associates for storm sewer improvements on 174th Street.
• Request approval to enter into a oneyear agreement with Protection One for maintenance and monitoring of the security system at the Government Center and Pelican Community Park. • Request approval to purchase one 2011 Ford F550 Bucket Truck to replace a damaged truck.
• Request of approval of the Miami Dade County Water and Sewer conveyance documents for sewer improvements installed for Gwen Margolis Park.
• Request approval of a lobbyist contract to retain the services of Ron L. Book, Esq.
• Request approval of a lease agreement amendment with FDOT for property under the Sunny Isles Blvd. Causeway.
• Request approval for an agreement between the Miami Dade School District and Sunny Isles Beach to establish an Address Verification Program for the Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach K- 8 school. This program is designed to verify that all students attending the school are legal residents of the geographic area served by the school.
• Request approval to add 12 new classrooms to the Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach k-8 school to alleviate overcrowding and allow for the re-opening of the art and music rooms. This agreement reflects a cost-sharing arrangement in which the City will commit to $2 million of the $4 million estimated cost.
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