Please join us on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers for this month’s Commission Meeting. The meeting opens with the presentation of recognition awards to two outstanding City employees: Kristy Fritts and Michael Mulvey. There will be a first reading of an Ordinance to approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2011/2012 budget. There will be a second reading of an Ordinance that grants the City Commission to approve an extended payment plan, upon the recommendation of the Finance Director (and subject to interest payment), for Transfer Development Rights (TDRs).
• Request Commission approval to submit a maximum millage rate of 2.8860 to the Property Appraiser’s Office by August 4,2012.
• Request to approve an amendment to the schedule of City Commission meetings in order to add additional Special Commission Meetings during the remainder of 2012.
• Request for approval to conduct a general election on November 6, 2012, a runoff election if necessary on December 4, 2012 and to designate Emanuel Pine to serve on the canvassing board.
• Request for approval to authorize the City Manager to sign or renew contracts, agreements and purchase orders during the summer recess.
• Request for approval to implement a police salary survey per the collective bargaining agreement with the Police Benevolent Association.
• Request for approval to enter into an agreement with Goodyear Auto Service Center and John Churchill for fleet maintenance and repair.
• Request for approval to award a contract to Lukes-Sawgrass Landscape for landscaping maintenance service.
• Request for approval to partner with FIU to present the “Prestige Cultural Series at Biscayne Bay Campus 2012/2013”.
• Request for approval for an agreement with Christopher J. Russo for the position of City Manager.
• Request for approval of an Interlocal Agreement that provides professional services by Miami-Dade County to identify and control pollutant discharges in shared municipal separate storm sewer systems.
• Request for approval to provide a onemonth extension for SFM Services, Inc. for landscaping maintenance, which terminates the end of August, 2012.
• Request for approval for a change order to the Shoreline Foundation, Inc. contract to aid in the reduction of vibration damage to the adjacent property of the Newport Pier.
• Request for approval to purchase 2 vehicles for use by the Cultural & Community Services Department.
• Request for approval to purchase a double-wide trailer to be placed under the Lehman Causeway for use by the Department of Public Works.
• Request for approving a second amendment to an agreement with Steigerbuilt, LLC for improvements to the Intracoastal Parks site.
• Request for approval for an increase to the agreement with the Miami Herald Publishing Company for legal public notices.
• Request for approval of additional funds to Bonnie Bennett Creative to provide graphic design services for the City.
• Request for approval of renewal and payment of the extended warranty and maintenance of pay stations.
• Request for approval to hire Hari Cruz-Bustillo to serve as construction manager for the Gateway Park project.