While the term sandwich generation may not be familiar to you, it could very well describe your living situation now or in the near future. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, over 50% of adults over the age of 40 have at least one parent age 65 or older in their care, while also raising a young child, making up the sandwich generation. This is becoming the norm for caregivers and could be the care situation that you are currently in.
What Is Sandwich Generation?
In simplest of terms, the sandwich generation is a generation of adults that are caring for their families as well as for their parents. This generation of caregivers is typically Generation Xers that are caring for kids and parents at the same time financially.
As the term denotes, the sandwich generation is literally sandwiched between providing care for their children as well as their aging parents that can be stressful and burdensome. There is a growing need for caregivers, and many adult children are taking on these care responsibilities themselves in addition to raising their families.
Adding to this challenge are the adults that are caring for their parents, adult children, and their grandchildren or adults that are caring for their parents, grandparents, and young children. This is known as the club sandwich generation and is becoming a popular scenario for many adults.
Caring For Kids And Parents
When the sandwich generation of adults is tasked with caring for kids and parents, it can be a difficult situation for all involved. As a caregiver, an adult child may be depressed or find themselves in financial hardship by trying to pay for both their children and parents. Sandwich generation stress is also common when caring for kids and parents as it can be hard to give enough to everyone that needs your care.
In order to alleviate some of the sandwich generation stress that you may be feeling, it is suggested that you take breaks and take time for yourself. This can allow you to recharge and give yourself some much-needed freedom. When you are caring for others, it can be easy to forget about caring for yourself. You need the most care as without giving proper time to yourself, the ones that rely on you for care will suffer when they need you the most.
It also important to get plenty of sleep and eat healthy each day. You need to be well rested to handle the tasks of the day, and this can help reduce the sandwich generation stress that you are feeling. Sleep can help your body relax and get ready for a new day. Skipping meals or eating unhealthy foods can snap your energy and make it more difficult to tend to others needs. Your mood may also suffer, and you may not be up to the challenges of the day without the proper rest and nutrition to keep you going.
Caring for kids and parents as part of the sandwich generation can be a challenging time for families. Keeping in mind these strategies for reducing your sandwich generation stress can make it easier to bear and allow you to provide quality care when it needed by your parents and children.