The City of Sunny Isles Beach presents the second installment of this cultural series, with the internationally-acclaimed Amernet String Quartet, Ensemble-in- Residence at Florida International University. The group will perform at the Norman S. Edelcup SIB K-8 School (201- 182 Drive) at 7:30 pm on Saturday, November 17, 2012.
The City of Sunny Isles Beach and Florida International University invite residents to come out and enjoy an evening of classical music at our intimate venue in the K-8 school. Be our guest for this special evening and spend some time getting to know our honored guests from our Sister City delegation visiting from Taormina, Italy.
The music for the evening is chosen specifically for the Sunny Isles Beach audience. The Amernet String Quartet will present an evening of favorite works for quartet, composed of short and lively pieces by composers including Haydn, Ravel, Bartok, Puccini and Tchaikovsky. The repertoire will also include “one of the best-loved works in the classical literature, Dvorak’s famous ‘American’ quartet, written in response to Native and African American folk music, which the composer happily discovered while living and working in a Czech immigrant community in rural Iowa.” The artistry and beautiful music will be sure to enthrall young and old alike. Refreshments will be provided following the performance.
Parking for this event will be available in the school parking garage and along 182nd Drive. A special event bus will run before and after the performance to provide patrons with convenient transportation to the event.
For information on this FREE event, please contact the Cultural & Community Services Department at 305.792.1706.