The following announcement is provided by School Board Member Susie V. Castillo.
With the significant population growth the Doral community has seen over the past few years, changes must be made in order to ensure we appropriately accommodate all students. If you have a child attending Miami-Dade County Public Schools, you may be affected by the upcoming school attendance boundary changes. School attendance boundaries regulate which school your child will attend depending on where you live.
As the population in our city continues to increase, so has the need for more schools. That is why we have plans for new schools in the City of Doral. The first of these is planned to open August 2017 near NW 90th Street and NW 114th Avenue. Additionally, there are plans for the opening of two new schools in the future. As such, if your child is attending Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center, John I. Smith K-8 Center, Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center, and Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Senior High School they may be affected by the boundary changes.
It often happens that important education policies and decisions are made, and parents feel uninvolved and left out of the conversation when it comes to the decision making process. In order to provide the best for our students, community involvement isn’t an option; it’s a necessity. Keeping our parents well informed and involved will not only help yield better results in the classroom, but positively impact the overall well-being of Doral families.
Now through Feb. 3, meetings are taking place in order to discuss possible changes to the attendance boundaries. These meetings are held in order to present the recommendations of the District for the changes in attendance boundaries to the community and also to effectively give parents and other interested parties a voice in the matter. I encourage all parents and interested community members to stay informed and attend the community meetings taking place on this important issue as your input is not only welcome, but vital in this process.
Following these meetings, formal recommendations for boundary changes will be submitted to the Attendance Boundary Committee. Final boundary changes will be presented to the School Board on May 24 for approval at which point, it will be determined where your child goes to school for the 2017-2018 school year.
First Attendance Boundary Committee Community Meeting in Doral:
School: Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Senior High School and Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center
Date: Monday, January 23
Location: Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Senior High School
Time: 6:00 pm
For more information feel free to contact the School Board office via e-mail district5@dadeschools.net or call at 305-995-1334.