‘Summer Blockbusters’

When it’s this hot in the city, one of the coolest places to be is at the movies! So grab a good seat, munch on some popcorn and turn off your cell phones because these “summer blockbusters” just may be coming to a theater near you!

Hunger Games: In this thrilling adventure film, families looking for the perfect place to live choose Aventura – not so much because of the great schools and parks – but because the city has so many different great restaurants, moms know they’ll never have to cook!

The Avengers: Superheroes in this “Marvelous” version are out to save Aventura tons of money by ensuring all competing cable companies promising “stronger, super service” really live up to those claims and disclose that low promotional rates eventually go up faster than a speeding bullet!

Snow White and the Huntsman: In this version of the classic fairytale, Aventura princesses enlist the help of the “Bargain Hunter” to seek out the best sales – especially on anything snow white that all fashionistas know can’t be worn after Labor Day!

Rock of Ages: Aventura fitness enthusiasts who worship rock climbing, cycling, skating or running around the circle are starring in this epic saga proving age is just a number and they can look even better than Tom Cruise with his shirt off!

Men in Black: Since Aventura is renowned for being one of South Florida’s most affluent communities, it would make perfect dollars and cents to film another sequel called “Men not in the Red” at locations like King Jewelers, Porto Vita or Morton’s!

Dark Shadows: Since this blockbuster has resurrected the fame of legendary vampire Barnabas Collins, Aventura dentists are hoping he’ll become an advocate for healthy teeth and maybe even help promote the whitening kiosk at the mall!

Battleship: You’ll be on the edge of your seat waiting to see which community priding itself on having the most opulent marina wins the battle to attract more luxurious yachts as all those lucky to be docking in Aventura exclaim, “My ship has really come in!”

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