Those who know Annette Taddeo have long realized that words like perseverance, determination and steadfast resolve best de- scribe the daughter of the U.S. fighter pilot and veteran who served valiantly during World War II and Korean War. Those attributes coupled with a great desire to give back to her community and country has served to propel her to run, once again, for a congressional seat. Married to Dr. Eric Goldstein and mother of their 10 year old daughter Sofia, Annette fully understands the need to address and resolve the problems of a shrinking middle class, living wages and escalating tuition rates affecting both students and parents.
District 26 is in a unique location with its fair share of complicated challenges. Its borders include portions of South Miami Dade and Monroe County which prominently includes the Everglades and the Keys. “The District has the largest portion of the Everglades, which is currently facing environmental hazards including sea level rise. F.P.L’s Turkey Point with its continuous and numerous documented problems which is affecting our environment and fresh water highlights the need to take quick decisive action. Unlike my opponent, I am proud of the fact that I am not supported by special interests.”
When asked about her past attempts to become a public servant she candidly responds, “I do not consider my past candidacies a loss. I view the experience as an opportunity to continue my message and fight for a government that is not controlled by special interests.”
The successful business woman with a proven track record of watching the bottom line and creating jobs is one of the very few candidates who can claim that distinction. For that matter, very few in Congress can. Among Annette Taddeo’s key endorsements are Miami Dade County Commissioner Daniella Cava, the FLCIO and the DCCC (Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee).
Certainly, understanding and knowing firsthand the struggles of running a business provides Annette Tadeo with knowledge and insights sorely lacking in a congress infested with self serving career politicians.
It is no secret that Congressman Curbelo’s backers would like nothing more than for Joe Garcia to win the primary so that they can launch a repeat performance of the 2014 elecion when then incumbent Garcia’s campaign scandals were strung out in newspapers for all to see and for all to remember. “District 26 is ready to turn the page and elect someone who’s moral and ethical compass represent the people and not special interest,” Annette states with a passion that only true believers who long for a Congress representative of the people can.
Annette Taddeo may be reached on Facebook or at
Congressional Primaries will be held on August 30.
Check for early voting dates.
Congressional and Presidential Elections will be held on November 8th.
Democrat primary candidates: Annette Taddeo and Joe Garcia;
Independent Candidates: Jose Peixoto
Republican Candidate: Carlos Curbelo