A Special Tribute to West Park Mothers and Veterans!!

Vice Mayor Felicia M. Brunson

By Vice Mayor Felicia M. Brunson….

Vice Mayor Felicia M. Brunson

Mothers are everything to us when we are small… our lives revolve around her. For everything we need, we call mother. To protect us from all perceivable dangers, we want her around us. To take us, out we hold her arms. To kiss away our wounds, we run to her. And for a warm hug and love, we look for her. She is the focal point of our lives, the greatest human being in the world or should we say divinity on earth. On the special occasion of Mother’s Day pay tribute to your mother – the greatest blessing to you!

What can we do in West Park to honor mothers?

On Mother’s Day Shower your Mother!
Mother is a gift of God. She is an angel who protects you from all the evils of the world and gives you a secure shelter in her lap whenever you feel stressed and insecure. Irrespective of how we look or behave, our mother showers us with all possible love and blessings in the world. Despite how successful we may become, she still can’t ignore her little concerns about us. Despite our maturity, we remain a ‘silly darling kid in momma’s eyes. Though she is a guardian angel to us, we hardly ever take the opportunity to thank her for being our dearest pal and best companion ever. On this Mother’s Day, shower your Mother. Tell her you love her and no one else could ever take the position she holds in your heart.

On Mother’s Day Thank your Mother!
There is simply no way we can ever really thank mother for all she has done for us. She is the one who will be awake all night when we are sick. Mothers are the ones who would forever complain that we are not eating enough or not eating right. They would cook all sorts of things so that we are strong and healthy. Mothers in fact, worry more for our examinations than we must. They would take pains to complete our school projects leaving all other works behind while we play around with friends or just while away time watching movies.

On Mother’s Day Apologize to your Mother!
Isn’t it tough to imagine how she must have borne our temper tantrums when we were teenagers – or adults? And how hard we must have made her life by sometimes being rude and difficult. Yet she was so astonishingly cool. Mother’s Day is the time to apologize for all the stress we may have caused our moms over the years.

On Mother’s Day Celebrate with your Mother!
This is the perfect day to celebrate the joys of having a mother. Strive to make Mother’s Day absolutely hassle free for your mother and take on her responsibilities for a day. Pamper her a little on this special day just as she pampers you all year round. Give her a warm hug and a big kiss as you wish her a Happy Mother’s Day!
As we salute moms, we should pause and thank them for their love and guidance.  They are our first teachers.  I would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in West Park and to those who fill the role of mothers.  And for those who have taken the reigns to fill those shoes, thank you for your unconditional support!  I also extend a special thought and prayer in memory of the moms who are no longer with us on earth, but remain in our hearts and minds because they have touched our souls.

This month we will also pay tribute to veterans on Memorial Day.  We honor those soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who died serving our country. We honor those who fought for us.  Peace has meaning the protected will never know. Each soldier who falls is a great tragedy. Though each death is a tragedy, we honor and thank all who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.  They gave us our freedom and it behooves us all to be our best selves, out of respect for what they gave us.

We look to our veterans for guidance—guidance for the present and guidance for the future. We shouldn’t look at the era in which they toiled and sacrificed as if we were visiting a museum or an archaeological site. We should look at what they actually did and how they did it and, in doing so, honor them by imitating their courage, sacrifice and excellence. Their accomplishments are astonishing and we should learn from them.

Our veterans have left us a legacy of freedom. They taught their children and their children’s children the value of sacrifice, hard work, and virtue, the necessary conditions of freedom. They also taught us the love of country and what it means to be a citizen. They have become our teachers. Their words and deeds exemplify human excellence and the values we stand for, and demonstrate the courage necessary to preserve these values.

How can the City of West Park honor our veterans?
Perhaps we cannot do any better than to call our veterans the Greatest Generation of the greatest country in the world. Perhaps we should make certain that their stories are told to the young.  Perhaps we should try to imitate both their purposes and lives, in both peace and war. Perhaps we should just sincerely thank them for making sure that this land of liberty will continue in strength. Perhaps echo President Abraham Lincoln and say: “Gold is good in its place; but living, brave, patriotic men, are better than gold.” Perhaps we could support the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post #8195 more and the wonderful work they are doing for veterans that call it home.

As we remember these brave warriors and their comrades in arms on this Memorial Day, we must look to the future while we remember the past. In today’s world, freedom comes cloaked in uncertainty. America still relies on her sons and daughters to defend her liberty. The cost of independence remains high, but we are willing to pay it. We do not pay it gladly, but we pay it with deep reverence and gratitude to those who have sacrificed their lives for America. We know that in the years to come, more brave souls will sacrifice their lives to preserve our freedom. We should remember to include them in our thoughts and prayers today and every day.

In conclusion, to the City of West Park’s honored fallen, we hold you in our highest esteem.  You are our heroes!  We salute you!  We honor you!  We live our lives in freedom because of what you gave us!  There will never be a time that we do not give you our solemn honor.  This and every Memorial Day, we the residents of West Park must never forget the meaning of Memorial Day and remember those proud patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of liberty’s blessings!  We are in your debt and we thank you! May God always bestow His blessings upon you!

To my beloved West Park residents: Have a Happy Mother’s Day and a blessed Memorial Day!

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