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Domestic violence takes place in our nation every minute of every day, occurring just about every 15 seconds. Most Americans don’t realize just how real domestic violence is and how many lives are affected by it.  Most of these cases are left behind closed doors. That’s why Domestic Violence Awareness Month was introduced to not only educate and raise that awareness but bring the support and strength that domestic violence victims need.

It was created not only to bring more awareness to others but to connect and unify the millions of affected victims that had been battered due to domestic violence.  Its hope is to break the chains of violence that currently have such a strong grip on our nation.

Domestic violence shows itself in a number of different forms, whether it’s punching, slapping, choking, or threatening, manipulating, yelling and many others. No matter the situation, domestic violence is never okay.

Another alarming statistic for us to look at is that as many as 3 out of 4 Americans know of another person that has, or is being abused by another individual, but a lot of times nothing is done about it.  Action needs to take place, where an advocate is willing to speak up when others cannot.

If you know of someone that is being abused, are you willing to be their voice? It’s time that we stand up to domestic violence and tell it enough is enough.  Especially during the month of October, make sure that you support domestic violence survivors and help to get the word out about the destructive threat that domestic violence has on so many homes.  All of us are together in this fight!

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