Back to School : Make us proud!

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Back to School: Make us proud!As summer comes to a close, many West Park families will be nervously preparing for the start of a new school year. While we welcome the reopening of our schools, we remain concerned about the pandemic and the health and well-being of our children, staff and teachers.

Some learners are probably feeling excited, some of you may be a little sad that summer is over and you may feel nervous or scared about going back to school because of all the new things that you will have to face. You will have new teachers, some new friends and some of you may even be going to a new school. But we all have a goal, which is to be successful. As your Mayor, I wish you all the best in your new grade or college and all the best to those who are working diligently on your behalf.

You must work hard and start to study now, so that you can obtain good results at the end of the year. We can have dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents and the best schools in the world but none of it would matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities as committed students.

You must show up at school, pay attention to teachers, listen to your parents and put in the hard work that it takes to succeed. Every single one of you has something that you’re a good at, every single one of you has something to offer and you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is, that is the opportunity an education can provide.

No matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you will need an education.

What you make of your education will decide the future of this country. What you are learning at school today determines whether we in West Park, can meet our greatest challenges in the future.

Where you are right now does not determine where you will end up. No one wrote your destiny for you. You must make your own future.

Put your best effort into everything you do! Make us proud. I know you can do it!

Let’s do this West Park students!

Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8990 or by email at:

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