Certificate of Use: Purpose and Process

Prior to opening any business in the City of West Park, a Certificate of Use must be obtained. The Certificate of Use assures that the business is allowed in the zoning district where it is located. It also verifies that the structure was built for the proposed type of business.

Businesses must also have a Local Business Tax Receipt. The Certificate of Use allows for the occupancy of the structure as well as certifying that the use is permitted. However, the Local Business Tax is a tax on the business activity. After a Certificate of Use has been issued, a business may apply for the Local Business Tax Receipt.

In order to receive a Certificate of Use, business owners may submit a Certificate of Use application to the City of West Park. The application is first reviewed for compliance with relevant zoning regulations by the Planning and Zoning Department. If the application meets zoning requirements, the Building Department and Fire Department will review the application and inspect the property to ensure building and fire codes are met.

If the application passes Building and Fire Department reviews and inspections, the Certificate of Use is issued. Once the Certificate of Use is issued, the property owner can apply for a Business Tax Receipt. If the application does not pass Building and Fire Department review and inspection, the Certificate of Use process goes on hold. The applicant may then apply for a building permit to correct deficiencies. The building permit application is reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Department for compliance with relevant zoning regulations. The Building and Fire Departments also review the application and performs inspections. If the building permit is approved, the Certificate of Use may be issued. Once the Certificate of Use is issued, the applicant may apply for a Business Tax Receipt.

An application for the Certificate of Use may be found on the City’s website at www.cityofwestpark.org.

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