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In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the City of West Park successfully identified funding to assist residents and business owners effected by the pandemic. In an effort to mitigate hardships during the initial stages of the pandemic, the West Park City Commission authorized an immediate transfer of City’s general budgeted funding to establish a COVID-19 relief account. Relief funds were subsequently utilized to provide assistance to effected residents and business owners. Funding provided through the program included direct payments for outstanding rent, mortgage and home utility bills.
Local businesses and non-profit organizations were also assisted through the City by providing reimbursement payments for personal protective equipment and cleaning and sanitizing services. Local religious institutions were assisted as well through the City’s personal protective equipment distribution initiative. As a result of these first-round COVID-19 relief programs, a total amount of thirty-seven (37) West Park families were assisted with a total assistance amount of $29,000 expended in direct rent, mortgage and utilities assistance payments. Local businesses, non-profits and religious institutions were also assisted through the program with an additional $5,000 expended by the City for COVID relief supplies.
As the current pandemic continued to progress, additional COVID-19 relief programs were established by the West Park City Commission including the Rental Assistance, Mortgage & Utilities Assistance and Small Business Assistance programs. As a result of these additionally established COVID-19 relief programs, an additional amount of $97,555 was expended by the City to provide second-round of rent, mortgage, utilities and small business assistance payments to residents and business owners financially effected by the current pandemic.
The West Park City Commission approved its first group of Minor Home Repair Program applicants on June 19, 2019. Since the initial approval by the City Commission, several additional West Park homeowners have received financial assistance through the Minor Home Repair Program. In order to qualify for the City’s Community Benefit programs, you must be a West Park resident and must qualify under the current program income requirements. The Minor Home Repair programs covers a wide variety of required home repairs and potential code enforcement infractions.
In addition to the Minor Home Repair program, the City Commission also established the Childcare Assistance and Tree Trimming Assistance programs. Additional West Park residents have also been assisted through these complimentary community-based programs. Funding for this year’s Community Benefit program was derived from a required contribution in the amount of $40,095 as part of the City’s property development agreement with Wilferz & Company LLC.
Important to note is that during the current COVID-19 pandemic, the City’s funding emphasis was redirected towards COVID-19 relief. However, with pandemic conditions marginally improving, applications are once again being processed for the City’s Community Benefit programs. Funding is currently available on a limited basis. Also due to the popularity of certain Community Benefit programs, specific waiting lists have been established. For additional information, please contact the Community & Economic Development Department at (954) 989-2688 Extension 216 or 217.