From the Code Enforcement Department
Q: What are the common complaints that the City’s Code Enforcement department investigates?
A: The most common complaints involve public nuisances such as overgrown grass/weeds on properties, unsightly bulk trash, building code violations, illegal signage, and business tax license and zoning violations.
Q: How can I make a complaint or report a Code violation?
A: You may come to the City Hall in person and speak to any member of staff. You may also call the Code Enforcement Department directly at 954-632-6825 or at 954-964-0284.
Q: How will I find out what happens to my complaints?
A: If you wish to be contacted, please leave your name and number so the code enforcement inspector can call you and discuss the incident or report.
Q: How long should it take for the code enforcement inspector to investigate my complaint?
A: The code enforcement inspector will try to perform an initial investigation within 48 hours of receiving your complaint. Complaints are prioritized with issues dealing with the health and safety of our community getting first priority. Some investigations may take longer. The code enforcement inspector may monitor a situation for days or weeks to ensure compliance.
The mission of the Code Enforcement Department is to enforce the City Code in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community, and, where violations occur, to work with our citizens to achieve compliance through an efficient and fair process.
The main functions of Code Enforcement are:
• Protecting the safety and welfare of residents
• Maintaining and increasing property values
• Foster continued progress and development in the City
Simply stated, Code Enforcement is for the common good. These rules and regulations have been enacted by the City to help ensure attractive neighborhoods, vibrant businesses, and a peaceful and enjoyable community for everyone.
If you have any questions, please contact Code Enforcement at 954-632-6825 or 954-964-0284.