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I want to look at safety in our community. I would love to see our family and friends work, live, and play safely here by putting my community first. I partnered with Miramar Commissioner Alexandra P. Davis, Miramar PD, BSO, Broward League of Women Voters and Crime Stoppers to take some of the unwanted guns out of our community. I must say that on the first day of the event, over 90 guns were turned in. That is a blessing.

We will continue to do what is best for our community as we have the residents’ best interest at heart. We are looking forward to the upcoming dates. Community involvement is imperative at these events because no one wants to live in fear of their children not being able to play in their yard due to reckless drive by shootings or stray bullets.

We have lost many great leaders over the years, which includes just recently the Honorable Congressman Alcee Hastings. We acknowledge the great work he has done for his constituents and send condolences to his family and friends.

The Asian community recently experienced a huge tragedy in Atlanta when a gunman opened fire killing eight people, six of whom were Asian women. I attended a candlelight visual at Gandhi square in Davie where I and other elected officials and well-wishers stood in solidarity with our Asian brothers and sisters.

I was pleased to have been invited along with other Jamaican elected officials from the Tri-County area to a reception hosted by the Jamaican Consul General, Oliver Mair. I had the opportunity to meet with members of the Caribbean Consular Corps which included Consul Generals from Barbados, Antigua, and Grenada.

I attended the kickoff campaign for Marleine Bastien, Candidate for Miami Dade County Commission seat 2. I wish her a very successful campaign.

I want us to continue to be safe as Covid-19 and the different variants are still spreading rampantly in and around our communities. I am fully vaccinated. I am encouraging you to do so at your earliest convenience. Please follow the CDC guidelines. Wear a mask even though you are vaccinated, wash your hands, and social distance. Please remember that in doing so you are showing love for your family, friends, and neighbors.

As June approaches, you know it is the season of hurricanes, so I want to remind all residents to start preparing. Get rid of all the unwanted articles around your dwelling, trim your trees, clear up all debris, etc. Why? It will help to minimize damaged to your property and health-wise, it will stop the breeding of mosquitoes and other pest around the community. Let us not wait until the last minute, let us start preparing now. Summer 2021 is here! Let us have a safe and fulfilling summer.

You may contact me at, or via phone at: 954-989-2688 ext. 218, or at 954-477-2943.

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