Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

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What an exciting time for graduates of all ages. Education holds the highest place in my heart, and I am delighted to commend all the graduating students of West Park.

In my role as mayor, I have had the pleasure of closely interacting with elementary, middle, high school and college students from across the city. During my walks to school, classroom visits, interviews and a variety of community events, I have seen
your creative and enthusiastic spirit. I have been impressed by your broad vision for the future as you explore local as well as national issues.

The lens with which you view the world positively is apparent in your thirst for learning about yourselves and others as well as through your community service. I have seen the results in many ways big and small, local and global. You are the guardians of the future. Whether it is caring for the environment, understanding and being a part of government, sharing your love of music or helping others address mental health challenges, I have seen you succeed.

There is so much emphasis placed on what’s “next” in life, especially with graduation. While it is, of course, important to look to the future, I also want to implore this year’s round of graduates to take this time, the gray area of what’s “next”, to fully immerse themselves in the present.

You hear parents or other adults so often wistfully say, “I remember when I was your age!” or “To only be young and carefree again.” I heard it said as a teen but didn’t understand it. Why would an adult want to go back to this gray area of life?

It’s because those gray areas in life hold boundless opportunities for the future. The opportunity to try different things, to have new experiences, to fail and try something again or something new. The ability to test all different sorts of paths and to choose another one if it turns out not to be right for you. To learn, to grow, to innovate, to question the status quo, to do good for others, to keep moving. You don’t have to have it all figured out right now; this is the time for testing the waters of who you want to be. Life’s gray areas are where the magic happens and where you will discover yourself.

My hope for all of you is to absorb this gray area of life right now, to sit in it and enjoy it. Don’t allow yourself to miss the opportunities right in front of you.

West Park is a place where people look after each other and work together to build a stronger community. I know that you will carry this part of West Park with you wherever your path leads so that others may also know what it means to be part of a community.

Watching and learning about you makes me as hopeful as you are about the future. It is clear that you embrace changes and challenges with optimism and open arms. I look forward to living in the world you help create.

So congratulations, West Park Class of 2023 graduates! And congratulations to
your parents, family members, teachers and other educators who helped you succeed.

Graduates, all of West Park is proud of you! May you soak up all of life’s gray areas and find your passion. And when you find your true passion, it will lead you to your true purpose.

Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8990, or via email at:

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