You’re sitting at home with your family, irritably bored with TV reruns and annoyed with the constant play of video games. Do you need a scheduled reason to get you and your family outside? As the weather turns fine, now is your chance to get fit and enjoy the great outdoors.
As part of a campaign to promote healthier lifestyles, I am requesting West Park residents get involved in an ongoing project to keep its residents fit and feelin’ good.
The purpose of this campaign is to work to equip the city with the tools to develop and implement active-living initiatives in our communities with the ultimate goal of improving health and reducing the skyrocketing obesity problem.
I am soliciting my fellow officials, city staff as well as residents and representatives of the business community to come together with one goal of spreading the mission of Creating a Healthier community –Today ,Tomorrow,Together!
Beginning Saturday, January 26th (and every Saturday afterwards) I am asking you meet me at McTyre Park located 3501 SW 56th Ave in West Park from 730am-830am as we get fit by taking to the tracks and walk. Although this campaign is not weight-loss focused, improving eating habits and exercising regularly in order to improve overall body health will likely achieve that effect. You don’t have to be an athlete to improve your health. Walking is a great cardiovascular workout. Anyone can do it by simply varying the pace.
You don’t need fancy equipment, and you can fit it into your everyday life with ease. Adding walking to your daily routine can help fight obesity, diabetes and heart disease. By walking 10,000 steps a day (for adults) and 13,000 steps a day (for children) and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can make big strides toward maintaining a healthy weight and improving your health.
Each day this campaign will challenge you to complete a weekly walking assignment, share eating strategies, mind and motivation tips, and access to a community of other walkers with whom to share your challenges and successes.
Thirty minutes of physical activity on most days, such as a brisk walk, is essential for a healthy heart. This campaign is a step in the right direction. It makes use of our City’s beautiful parks, which provide ample opportunity for anyone who wants to be more physically active in their community.
If you are walking less than 4,000 steps a day, you probably aren’t active enough stay healthy. Adding just 2,000 steps a day (the amount in half an hour of walking) has been shown to prevent weight gain in some studies. Because of this participants are encouraged to bring pedometers to track their steps. If you have a smart phone you can download a free app to track your steps. This app is “Map My Run.”
While there may be some debate about the exact number of steps needed to stay healthy, participating in this campaign is a great start for families who have been spending too much time in front of the TV. Let’s get fit! Let’s lose fat! Let’s decrease the risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke!
Let’s live longer and with more vitality! So West Park – are you in? Help me Create a Healthier community –Today ,Tomorrow,Together!
…See you at the track!
Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 889-4164 or email