Hope you are keeping yourself cool and safe in all this summer heat. The hot weather is upon us and we must be sure to stay away from too much sun and high outdoor temperatures. The City Commission has been on vacation this month of July, but we will be back August 1st to continue our City business and Commission meetings. Meetings always begin at 7:00 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Meetings are open to the public and you may sign in to speak if you wish. You may speak about any criticisms, compliments or concerns you might have. We are always happy to hear from you.
Our first order of business upon return from vacation will be approving the City’s 2012/2013 budget. The City is required to hold two formal budget public hearings and there are guidelines as to when these hearings must be held as well as special advertising requirements for these hearing. The first hearing is scheduled for September 5th at 6:00 p.m. and the second budget hearing is scheduled for September 26th at 6:00 p.m. There also will be a special commission meeting for the Assessment Hearing.
Mark these dates down and plan to attend these hearings. You will better understand the process of municipal budgeting for our City and the long, hard work that goes into the process. Thanks to our City Administrator and our City Staff for all the hours and hours of work they have already put into this budget process for the upcoming fiscal year.
I am honored to announce a very special birthday this month. Let me introduce you to a Lake Forest resident, WALTER E S H L E M A N , who turned 100 years old on August 2nd of this month.
Happy Birthday, Walter!
Walter was born in Rothville, Pennsylvania, the oldest of 13 children. He grew up on a farm and still today loves the country. He and his wife, Helen, have 9 grown children, 19 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Upon retirement, he was attracted to the South Florida area and began transporting 600 colonies of bees back and forth from New York State to the Big Cypress Indian Reservation. As soon as the children had all graduated high school, he and Helen moved to South Florida permanently and bought their home in the Lake Forest/Twin Lakes Section of West Park. Being a country guy, Walter wanted to be on a lake with plenty of trees and vegetation, and Helen loved to swim and wanted a swimming pool. They have lived in Lake Forest/Twin Lakes ever since. Walter served many years in the Citizens on Patrol (COP) Program and earned an award for 500 hours of volunteer service. He also served as a poll deputy for many years for the Supervisor of Elections. So let’s gather together and celebrate this occasion, Walter’s 100th birthday. You may contact him and email your best wishes at heshleman@live.com.
Several weeks ago the residents of Lake Forest area were invited to meet with the consultant regarding a traffic calming plan for the area. Many residents attended the meeting and there were a lot of ideas and concerns expressed to the consultant regarding speeding on the residential streets, trucks on 40th Avenue and heavy traffic on the streets closest to the school. If you did not attend the meeting and you have traffic concerns on your street, contact the City Hall at 954-989-2688 and let us hear from you now. This is your chance to have input on this traffic calming project.
How can I assist you? Call on me at 954- 963-7745 with any questions, concerns and compliments you have for our City. Let’s all work together to make West Park a great place to live.