The Bahamian Independence and Goombay Family Fun Day held on Saturday, 14 July, 2012 at McTyre Park was a huge success! The event marked the 39th Anniversary of Bahamian Independence and was supported by residents and many Bahamians who came from as far north as Stuart, Florida to as far south as Homestead.
The Bahamas Consulate General of Miami, Florida added to the celebration in grand style. Ms. Rhoda M. Jackson, Bahamas Consul General, Florida, included a number of different festivities to mark this year’s anniversary.
“This was one of the most successful celebrations we’ve ever had,” says Commissioner Thomas Dorsett. “We had many visitors from the Bahamas who were very enthusiastic and now want to join forces to make this an annual event. Other visiting dignitaries and vendors were also very pleased.”
Other dignitaries who attended the Family Fun Day included Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, State Representatives Hazelle Rogers and Perry Thurston, Mayor Eric Jones, Vice Mayor Felicia Brunson, Commissioner Rita Mack, and members of the Caribbean Consular Corps. Attendees were entertained with music by the Royal Bahamas Police Force Pop Band, local band Togetherness and a Junkanoo Parade. A vast array of Bahamian cuisine was served including stuffed snapper, conch fritters, conch salad and guava duff. Children enjoyed free face painting and various games and activities.