As the election has come to an end and we welcome our new Commissioner Brian Johnson, let’s move forward and continue to make West Park the City of Positive Progression! Make no mistake we are facing some serious challenges, and how we respond to them will mark our destiny. But I am more convinced than ever that our destiny is great — the vision driving it, inspired… and the leadership, steadfast.
How did we come to such a position of strength? It didn’t happen overnight. It took years of ideas and ideals from the Commission and Staff – who have been grand and, some would say, audacious. However, the results you can see daily are truly phenomenal!
The message I give to you this month is that we have a bright future. We’ve faced challenges before, and we’re only limited by our vision and our desire to lead. I’m here to tell you that that desire is here today.
We could take a dark view of the coming years, but I’m asking you to walk with me and approach this as a time of great opportunity. To paraphrase author Thomas L. Friedman, the biggest challenge of our lifetime is actually an opportunity…and a test of whether we are able and willing to lead.
Are we able to lead? The answer is an unqualified Yes! Are we willing to lead? You know it! Let us meet the challenge, together.
Throughout West Park, I can see the possibilities. Together, we have tremendous talent, creativity, wisdom and dedication…a pioneering spirit, and the ability to come up with innovative solutions.
I have high hopes and aspirations, and I have never felt more strongly that the best days lie ahead….that good times are coming for all of us….and that nothing is impossible for this great City! Let’s move forward!
God bless you, and God bless the City of West Park.
Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 889-4164 or by email at: fbrunson@