Neighborhood Traffic Calming Study

From the Programs and Services Department

The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Study for Area “C” started with a Public Workshop on July 10, 2012. The study is intended to alleviate cut-through traffic and reduce speeding along residential streets. The boundaries of Study Area “C” are:

North Boundary: Hallandale Beach Blvd.

South Boundary: County Line Road

West Boundary: SW 48 Avenue

East Boundary: SW 32 Avenue / East City limit

During the Public Workshop on July 10, residents and local business owners joined Staff and consultants from Kimley-Horn and Associates to provide information about traffic concerns within the neighborhood and offer suggestions to address speeding, excessive traffic volume and overall concerns for safety on local residential streets. Following the workshop, the consultant immediately commenced neighborhood data collection to include traffic counts, right-of-way history, etc. Future public workshops for the study are tentatively scheduled for October and/or November, 2012.

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