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Over the past several weeks, West Park has been thrust into not only a local but a
national spotlight. An unfortunate home explosion shook our city and caused us to
reflect a little differently. While it has only been a few weeks, it sometimes feels
like forever…like time has stopped. As we reflect, we remember our neighbors who
were injured. We remember and honor those who are still trying to physically
recover. We remember and honor our first responders. We remember the
neighbors who assisted in getting others to safety. Most importantly, we keep
those who are struggling mentally and emotionally in our prayers, thoughts, and in
our hearts.

Once in a great while, tragic circumstances present us with a challenge for which
we simply cannot prepare. Such events can cause unspeakable pain not only for
the people directly involved but also for those who see misfortune befall neighbors,
friends, or even total strangers. That pain spills over throughout the community. It
is for this reason in challenging times that we must come together, and work
together collectively – with no division.

Pain and grief change with each new season. Every milestone holds added layers of
loss and we are each affected in different ways. We know from experience that
there is no timetable for how we feel. It isn’t about moving on; it is about adapting.
This incident did not and will not define us. As a community, we continue to rise to
meet its challenges in remarkable ways. If we have learned anything about
ourselves, it is that we can adapt, we care for each other, and we stand together to
support our shared values. While we may be guarded at times as we continue to
walk through this journey, the New Year brings with it great hope. Let’s continue
to come together as we do our important work of recovery with kindness,
mindfulness, determination, and support for each other not discord, separatism or
strife. With that being said, contrary to what some may say the facts are, immediately
following the incident, the city began to assist with resources
and necessary support.

Here is a recap of the city’s emergency management efforts following the tragic
home explosion on the morning of Tuesday, December 19, 2023:

Immediately following the incident, city staff visited the affected area, along
with our BSO police and fire department staff, who stayed on the scene for
hours securing the affected properties.

Immediately following the incident, Public Works staff also visited the area
to clear the streets of debris and to create a secure barrier.
The Building Official went door to door to perform a damage analysis on
properties and identified four properties that were at that time considered
unsafe. The Building Official is still working with these residents to address
these concerns.

Later that day, I along with the Vice Mayor visited the properties and went
door to door to show support to the affected residents.

On Wednesday, December 20, I along with BSO and city staff, went door to
door to the affected residents and distributed the City’s Emergency
Response Assistance form to gather data and forward this to our local,
county, and state partners to seek resources. These partners, along with city
staff, have already started communicating with the affected residents to
provide assistance. The partners include the following: Carver Ranches
Family Success Center; Broward County Minor Home Repair Program; Florida
Department of Children and Families Hope Florida Program; American Red
Cross; The Salvation Army; Community Enhancement Collaboration;
Taskforce for Ending Homelessness; and the City of West Park Community
and Economic Development Department.

On Wednesday, December 20, our partner, Memorial Healthcare, walked
door to door to the affected residents and distributed the West Park Families
Matter flyer with information on their mental health/trauma counseling

On Thursday, December 21, the city provided the neighboring resident who
was displaced with clothing assistance for the family and a storage unit at no
cost. Also, Memorial Healthcare team offered her and her son
counseling/trauma support services.

On Saturday, December 23, ahead of the weekend rain, the city provided the
neighboring resident with damage to her roof a tarp

On Sunday, December 24, I along with the City Manager, BSO police and fire
staff, were able to provide some holiday cheer to one of the children affected
by the incident. He was presented with a bicycle, clothing, basketballs,
remote control cars, books, other toys, and pizza. He was also given a ride
around the city in the fire truck and played basketball with the undersheriff.
The best part of the day was seeing him enjoy Krispy Kreme donuts for the
first time.

On Tuesday, December 26, the City Manager and I conducted a tour of the

affected area with State Representative Marie Woodson. This tour was
important as it allowed Representative Woodson the opportunity to see the
damage firsthand so she can advocate for State funding to assist the affected
residents. Rep. Woodson also provided gift cards to some residents.

On Thursday, December 28, I conducted a tour of the affected area with our
State Senator Jason Pizzo. Like the Rep. Woodson tour, this was important
for Senator Pizzo to see firsthand the areas affected so he can advocate for
local/state funding to assist the affected residents. Immediately after
Senator Pizzo’s tour, I along with the City Manager, Senator Pizzo, State Rep.
Woodson, Broward County Vice Mayor Beam Furr, County Administrator
Monica Cepero, and other County departments, along with a representative
from the State Insurance Agency, met to discuss the necessary resources
needed for residents that had submitted their forms back to the city. After
that meeting was over, I assisted State Rep. Marie Woodson with distributing
close to 60 hot meals to residents in the impacted area.


Following the incident occurred, staff was in daily communication with
local, county, and State representatives regarding seeking assistance and
support for residents. Since the incident occurred, staff was in consistent communication with residents affected by this incident as more information was needed.

To date, the State Fire Marshall is still actively working to determine the
exact cause of the explosion.

From this experience we learned that an important part of coping with adversity
and making it through tough times is to foster qualities of persistence and
endurance. We’ve also learned that tou

gh times don’t last forever, but by their very

nature they’re rarely over quickly.

We dealt with our problems one step at a time. If a problem was too big to deal
with all at once, we broke it down into smaller, more manageable steps. If a
problem seemed to have no possible solution, we still took action by drawing up a
list, researching more about the subject, or seeking the advice of our local and state

While some attempted to cause discord and make things seem much more
negative than they really were, we maintained a hopeful outlook while staying
positive in the midst of this crisis.

Rather than cause discord, we really should express gratitude. It may sound trite,

but even when you’re experiencing terrible times, it’s usually possible to find one
thing you can be grateful about. Taking a moment to acknowledge your gratitude
for such small things can provide respite from stress and really boost your mood
and overall morale.

Through this event, I witnessed the people of West Park unite to help each other

not only survive but thrive. I watched neighbors help neighbors in countless ways.
I watched our dedicated City Manager and city staff work tirelessly to make sure
residents were taken care of. Above all, I watched the kindness, respect, and
consideration that West Park residents have for each other.


ay we express gratitude to our first responders and crisis management teams

whose rapid response and teamwork kept us all safe and informed. We will forever
remember our firefighters, police, paramedics and extraordinary citizens who put
their own safety at risk to help their neighbors and strangers, exhibiting incredible
courage and heroism. Our gratitude extends to the numerous outside agencies who

came in to assist as well. Thank you.

The details of what happened will become clear in the coming days or weeks. In

the meantime, we extend our thoughts, prayers, and support to all those affected

along with their families, and friends. We know that this will be a difficult time and
encourage you to reach out to someone if you need any emotional or mental help.
We are and forever will be One West Park and because of this we will continue to
work to ensure our city is restored better and greater than it was before!

Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I
represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our
beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8990 or via email at:

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