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The City of West Park is proud to celebrate Black History Month this February. We are in celebratory remembrance of the countless contributions of African descendants whose labor and sacrifices in education, music, science/technology, arts/entertainment, politics and social consciousness add to the making of this great nation.

This year’s theme for Black History Month, “Black Resistance”, takes a look at how African Americans have fought repression from America’s earliest days. During this month, this city will pause and absorb the tremendous plight and journey of a people, whose history begins with escaping the plantation, to the rise out of poverty and the struggle for equal housing and education, to the struggle for voting rights — the resistance lives on even into the 21st century.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King wrote, “It is necessary to understand that black power is a cry of disappointment. The black power slogan did not spring full grown from the head of some philosophical Zeus. It was born from the wounds of despair and disappointment. It is a cry of daily hurt and persistent pain.”

Let us not forget that the civil rights movement was required, that many were not just a symbol for African-Americans facing the ugly tyrannies of oppression and segregation, that freedom does cost, that ignorance can only be overcome through knowledge, and that change without action is merely a six-letter word.

West Park we must become more diverse in our thinking – it is important to set aside time to acknowledge and educate others on the contributions and diverse abilities of people within our city, while at the same time, reminding ourselves of our rich heritage and promising future. It’s important to remember for when the children ask, “What do these things mean?” we can proudly respond. It’s important to remember because, the eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time. They are kneeling with hands clasped that we might act. That we might leave room for remembrance of the life that is destined to come.

Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at my city office at: (954) 989-2688, ext. 214; via email at:, or best by mobile at: (954) 329-8990.

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