Dear Neighbors,
I would like to take this moment to thank you for your support and votes! I am truly grateful for all of those who welcomed me and members of my team into your homes, front porches, backyards, and social networks. I am honored that you chose me to be your newest West Park City Commissioner.
For those of you who didn’t vote for me because you believed one of the other candidates was a better choice, I respect that. And still you should know that as your City Commissioner, I am here to serve you too.
To my co-competitors – I consider the other candidates as CO-COMPETITORS not OPPONENTS because throughout this race, we were never adversaries. We were simply four passionate neighbors who wanted the same opportunity to serve.
So to Reeta Nielly Mills, Ruby Seymour-Barr and Kristine Judeikis, thank you for your professionalism and willingness to step up and be a leader for the betterment of our great City. So now that the campaigning is over, the votes are counted, and a new West Park City Commissioner has been sworn in….what’s next? First, we must remember that there is and has been productive leadership in this city since its incorporation in 2005. Our Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Commissioners, City Manager, City Attorney and city staff have been here over the past 9 years 1nurturing an infant city into what continues to be a City of Positive Progression. As the city of West Park’s newest Commissioner, my desire is to bring new energy, new creativity, new courage, new skills, and new relationships that create new successes which will compel the City of West Park to a new level of greatness.
With the help of my colleagues on the City Commission, residents, City Staff and the many people who have offered their support, we will ensure that the City of West Park is a place where we all LOVE TO LIVE. Thanks again for your support and I solicit your continuous prayers and ongoing assistance in this, my new life, as your ELECTED SERVANT!
Please feel free to contact me with your questions or concerns. I can be reached by phone at 954.364.4454 or via email at