Time to Celebrate and Give Thanks

Time to Celebrate and Give ThanksWhat a month this is! First, November 11th is Veterans Day, then we celebrate Thanksgiving on November 28th.

Both days commemorate. Both days at their core resonate with the emotion of gratitude. Gratitude is defined by Webster as the state of being grateful, or in a word thankfulness.

Both days recognize victory over harsh circumstances. Both days require we as a people to pause from our routine selfish pursuits and reflect.

Veterans Day is an occasion to honor all military veterans, those living and dead, who served with honor and to thank them for their service. It has also become a day in which to thank all men and women who continue to serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, and the Guard and Reserve. We are forever thankful for their selfless acts of patriotic service.

Thanksgiving is a cherished and uniquely holiday which reminds us of the values and ideals that form the fabric of our great nation. On this special day, we embrace our differences, celebrate our diverse heritage, and unite in gratitude for the blessings of freedom, family, and faith.

We have many members of our community to be thankful for. This Thanksgiving we should all dedicate time to being grateful for our numerous blessings. Our wonderful city is certainly one blessing that must never be taken for granted. We should pray for strength and peace for those who have lost a loved one and are grieving in the midst of the holidays.

I am very thankful for the service of our police officers, firefighters, and EMS. You work diligently daily to keep us safe and secure. I am very thankful to every City employee for their outstanding work in meeting the needs of our city through responsive service. Your commitment to building this community is helping us fulfill our shared vision of creating a positive, progressive and sustainable City.

I am thankful for every person who lives in West Pak and for continued prosperity we can realize together. It’s important to recognize the support and friendship we extend to each other on a daily basis. Let’s keep in mind that there are no obstacles we cannot overcome when we are united as one.

I am humbled, honored and thankful every day for the opportunity to serve each of you. I appreciate your energy, vision and encouragement as we move forward, working together to make West Park a stronger city- one we all can be proud of and build upon for our children and grandchildren.

It may be coincidental this month begins and ends with the theme of Thanksgiving. Both days, I have been taught, are days of remembrance and gratitude for sacrifices others have made for our quality of life. And for that -grateful I am.

Blessing to all….celebrate and give thanks!

Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8990 or via email at: fbrunson@cityofwestpark.org.

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